Request for Proposals
Road Paving, Town of Harrisville, NH
Issued: March 17, 2020
The Town of Harrisville seeks qualified bids for road paving during the summer of 2020. The Town seeks proposals from qualified contractors to provide all necessary materials, labor, and equipment to complete the project.
Project Scope
The road paving project encompasses the following roads within the Town: 1) Willard Hill Road; 2) Brown Road, from Chesham Road easterly for a distance of 1,320 feet; and 3) Mason Road, from the intersection of Willard Hill westerly to Number 4 Hill. Total quantity of material is 2100 tons.
Required Timeline
All work must be able to be completed between July 27, 2020 and September 15, 2020, with work to begin within one week of injection of emulsion.
Submit sealed proposals using the attached bid sheet to: Town of Harrisville, Office of the Select Board, 705 Chesham Road, Harrisville, NH 03450 no later than 3:00 pm, Thursday, April 2, 2020. Proposals received after this date and time will not be considered. Please mark the envelope “Paving RFP”.
All bids will remain sealed until opened at a public meeting of the Select Board, Thursday, April 2, 2020, at 7:00 pm.The awarded bidder will be notified by Friday, April 3, 2020.
Proposal Requirements
Proposals should include the following:
- Fixed-price quote for materials, labor, and work schedule, including total quantity of road surface to be treated and total quantity of material to be appropriated.
- A list of references of equivalent work included with bid.
- Prequalification by the NH Department of Transportation in the category of paving.
- A copy of applicable insurance certificates to include proof of general liability coverage and Worker’s Compensation Coverage in compliance with State guidelines.
- Payment terms and a work completion date.
Selection Process
The Town will solicit a minimum of three price proposals.
The Select Board will review all proposals, and may review select proposals with the individuals or firms being considered. The Town reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, to abandon or revise the project and/or to reissue an RFP for the same project.
The Town is not obligated to select the lowest bid, or follow any other criteria in selecting the successful bidder. The Town shall select the proposal which, in the Town’s view, after evaluation of the qualifications of the bidder and proposed scope of work and schedule, is most advantageous to the Town. The Town also reserves the right to negotiate terms with the contractor awarded the bid.
By submitting a proposal, contractors represent that they have examined the site and satisfied themselves that they can complete the project successfully for the amount bid within the indicated timeframe.
The awarded bidder, in collaboration with Town Safety Officials, is expected to provide a plan to maintain a safe work environment for their employees, and for non-employees passing around or passing near the work zone.
Any questions regarding the proposal should be sent by email to with the subject line containing“RFP Paving 2020”.
Thank you for your interest.
Posted by: The Town of Harrisville Select Board
Date: March 17, 2020
Road Paving for 2020
Bid Proposal Sheet
Name of firm:
Telephone and email:
Description Quantity Price_____
- Willard Hill Road – Pave with 2”Hot Mix Asphalt Base
- Mason Road – Pave with 2” Hot Mix Asphalt Base
- Brown Road – Pave with 2” Hot Mix Asphalt Base
- Willard Hill Road – Hand Method Paving
- Mason Road – Hand Method Paving
- Brown Road – Hand Method Paving
Project contact:
Contact telephone/email (if different from above):
Authorized signature: