Select Board Meeting Minutes
Date: December 27, 2019
Location: Town offices
Members present: Jay Jacobs, Kathleen Scott, Andrea Hodson
Meeting opened: 7:00 pm; Meeting continued to Monday 12/30/2019 at 9:00 am

Transportation Committee – Mary Day Mordecai noted that the engineering study is complete and that the cost may come in lower than estimated; also Don Scott will be submitting an invoice for his preliminary work.

Broadband Committee – Andrew Maneval presented the committee’s recommendation to retain Drummond Woodsum for Bond Counsel and the reasons for the recommendation. The committee also recommends proceeding now to lay the necessary foundation work for Town Meeting, noting the invitation to the SB to participate in all communications with counsel to the extent it is inclined. Mr. Maneval will reach out to the firm to propose a short meeting to start the process. Counsel work is anticipated to be minimal prior to submission of proposals. The group also discussed a possible timeframe for a bond hearing, should one be needed, and coordinating this with the SB Budget Hearing, tentatively scheduled for Thursday, January 30. Following discussion, Jay Jacobs moved that the Broadband Committee move ahead to secure bond counsel with the recommended firm, and that communication between the SB and the BB Committee will continue through the process. All voted in favor.

Planning Board – Ned Hulbert updated the SB on an emerging opportunity for Community Power Aggregation in NH. From the PB’s perspective, Mr. Hulbert noted the ability for more local control, lower electricity prices, and more renewable energy options. As Harrisville doesn’t have the scale of customer units available, we would need to work with other towns. Mr. Hulbert also explained that SB 284 authorizes a statewide data platform, with ultimately real time data usage, which allows avoidance of peak power. Eight states have already authorized this; other towns are bringing it to Town Meeting. Mr. Hulbert hopes Harrisville can do the same in 2021. Andrea Hodson then moved to accept the recommendation of Mr. Hulbert that the Planning Board move ahead to identify next steps and form a working group. All voted in favor.

Recycling Center – Recycling stickers for 2020 are available for sale for $10 at the SB office.

Highway Department – The Road Agent had the truck evaluated for directional issue. State-Line technician couldn’t diagnose. Separately, the Road Agent noted a $15,000 invoice is anticipated for purchase of stone.

Gravel pit – Kathy Scott noted that gravel samples will be taken to Charlestown next week for evaluation.

Fire Department – The Fire Chief reviewed budgeting questions with SB, noting the alarm system should be one bill that comes out of the General Government budget. SB noted that sometimes items get appropriated in other departments. The Fire Chief also noted that the 4 buildings monitored by southwest dispatch should go under Gen Gov. The Mutual Aide invoice won’t come in until 2020. Regarding the payroll discrepancy of calendar year v. budget year, SB will resolve with Paychex.

The SB noted that candidates for bookkeeping are being evaluated.

The SB moved to approve SB Minutes of 12-19-2019.

The SB also moved to approve the 2020 Holiday Pay Schedule for full-time employees.

The SB moved to continue the meeting to Monday, December 30, at 9:00 am at Town Offices.

Continued Meeting Minutes of the Select Board
Date: Monday, December 30, 2019
Meeting continued: 9:00 am; Meeting adjourned: 10:00 am
Members present: Jay Jacobs, Andrea Hodson. Members absent: Kathy Scott

2019 Budget – The SB noted that forecasted encumbrances are estimated to total approximately $85,000.

Police Department/Highway – Based on obstruction of Highway Department snow removal operations by vehicles parked on Island Street, the SB will draft letters to residents in violation of the Winter Parking/Snow Removal Ordinances.