Historic District Commission
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Meeting Minutes
Members present:Noel Greiner, Kathy Scott, Scott Oliver, Anne Howe
Members absent: Doug Walker, Tom Weller
Members of the Public: Jonathan Richardson, Don Scott, Akhil Garland
Noel Greiner, Vice Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm. Commission members identified themselves and their roles.
Members unanimously approved the agenda. The Vice Chair changed the public hearing time from 7:00 pm until arrival of applicant or agent for HDC 2019-8, 9 Island Street. Jonathan Richardson contacted Akhil Garland to let him know the HDC meeting was underway.
Meeting Minutes of September 25, 2019
Anne Howe said that Andrew Murray (HDC 2019-7) explained, during the site visit, the Murrays’ choice of 5/8” muntin dividers (simulated) for windows. He described how muntin dividers evolved to being made with thinner cross-sectional profiles. Ms. Howe moved to amend minutes of the September 25, 2019 meeting to correct 3/8ths” muntins, a typo, to 5/8ths”. Scott Oliver seconded. Members approved the amendment and approved the minutes of the September 25, 2019 meeting as amended.
Other Business
Kathy Scott updated members on work of the HDC Subcommittee on Regulations and discussed scheduling of November and December 2019 HDC meetings. The Subcommittee is working on reviewing and revising regulations and has scheduled one meeting in November.
Certificate of Approval Distribution List
Kathy Scott said the Subcommittee on Regulations added one amendment to the HDC Application Form approved by the HDC in August 2019. The Subcommittee added a Distribution List to the Certificate of Approval as follows:
- Applicant or Agent
- Selectboard Office PID
- Code Enforcement Officer
- HDC File
November and December HDC meeting schedule
HDC is scheduled to meet in November: Wednesday, November 27, the fourth Wednesday. In December: Tuesday, December 17, because the fourth Wednesday is December 25, Christmas Day. A December meeting may be needed for ongoing work on regulations, even without an application. Scott Oliver reminded members to be careful of the 45-day clock for HDC decisions.
HDC 2019-8 Akhil Garland, 9 Island Street (Map 32 – Lot 24) — Application to widen driveway. Jonathan Richardson informed Mr. Greiner that he had successfully contacted Mr. Garland, the applicant, who was on his way to the meeting. Mr. Garland arrived.
Mr. Greiner reviewed the application and documents received. HDC will need to collect a payment from Mr. Garland for public noticing in the amount of $86.95.
Mr. Greiner opened the public hearing at 7:25 pm. Mr. Garland clarified that the driveway to the right of the brick house, looking at the house from Island Street, will be widened to a maximum width of 25 feet, added area will be towards the house.
Kathy Scott noted that the house is located on a water body. Would the driveway widening need New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services approval? Don Scott provided a sample page of a DES Shoreland Permit application. Mr. Garland received a copy. The surface of the driveway will be gravel. Trees and shrubbery will be removed.
Don Scott asked about flat pitch of the driveway proposed to be widened. Mr. Garland said he will do what Harrisville Road Agent, Wes Tarr, may suggest.
Kathy Scott said that this property is subject to Historic Harrisville, Inc. deed covenants and that Historic Harrisville and the HDC both use The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation to evaluate proposed changes. She said HDC agrees with Historic Harrisville’s decision to approve, stated in Historic Harrisville’s letter to Lee and Akhil Garland dated July 29, 2019. Mr. Greiner read a list of reasons for approval in Historic Harrisville’s letter.
Don Scott commented that the property is non-conforming with Harrisville regulations. It has two pre-existing driveways. Is expanding a pre-existing driveway a problem? Kathy Scott said expanding to 25 feet isn’t a problem, can’t expand in the other direction away from the house, abutter’s driveway is there. The town has a preference to avoid on-street parking. Mr. Garland said it is a two-family building, with one owner.
Members discussed and commented that widening the driveway would not have a negative impact on abutters, could be returned to lawn in the future, and that the neighborhood had been an industrial neighborhood at one time.
Mr. Greiner closed the public hearing at 7:40 pm.
Scott Oliver moved to approve HDC Application 2019-8 as submitted. Anne Howe seconded. All voted in favor. Mr. Garland provided his check to pay for public noticing. Mr. Greiner signed the Certificate of Approval, a copy of which was provided to the applicant.
The meeting adjourned at 7:48 pm.