Minutes of the Select Board

Location: Town offices
October 3, 2019
Members present:
Jay Jacobs, Andrea Hodson. Members absent: Kathleen Scott
Meeting opened:
7:00 pm. Meeting adjourned: 9:10 pm

Attendees: Harry Wolhandler, Winston Sims, Donna Sprague

Departments, Boards and Committees:
Trustees of the Trust Funds – Per Warrant Article 6 approved at the March Town Meeting, SB signed Authorization of Transfer from the Capital Reserve Fund in the amount of $20,981.58 for the Fire Department Squad vehicle, $22,500 of which is offset by the contribution from the Friends of the Harrisville Fire Department.

Recycling Center Committee – The SB noted that the next phase of the RC committee’s work is to remove dated signage and replace it with up-to-date information, as well as to determine maximum use of space in the building and on site.  The committee also looks to add another member. SB further hopes the committee can help assess traffic flow and capacity needs for vehicles.

Meeting Minutes – SB moved to approve the September 27thSB Meeting Minutes with the clarification that the SB is exploring having Recycling Center stickers sold from Town Offices beginning in 2020, rather than already having decided this would occur.

Assessing – SB signed the application for current use for Akhil Garland for Cobb Hill Road (Map 50 – Lot 12).

Conservation Commission – SB will await return of Kathy Scott to discuss HCC membership with Mr. Sims and will email Mr. Sims to confirm the agenda date and time.

Highway Department – Prospect Street culvert repair expected to begin Monday.

Budget preparation – The SB reviewed the process for department planning and the timetable for Town Meeting planning. The SB also will review the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP).

Heating Oil – SB reviewed bids and will follow up with further questions from providers. SB also will check with the Police and Fire Chiefs on the status of fuel levels in tanks.

An updated book of NH RSAs will be purchased for use by the town boards.

SB noted that, as of October 3, Angela Hendrickson is no longer employed with the Town.

SB signed financials in the amount of $36,943.98.

Dublin to Harrisville Community Walk for Recovery – Harry Wolhandler submitted posters for the event on October 20th, sponsored by the Monadnock Rotary.  The organizers’ goal is to help change the conversation around the opioid crisis from a focus on drug addiction as it relates to criminal activity to a focus on mental health and mental health treatment.  Walkers will begin at the Dublin School and walk to the Granite Mill, where speakers will be on hand from 2:30-3:30 to present information and answer questions.

Halloween Trick or Treat Hours – SB has tentatively set Halloween Trick or Treating for 5-7 pm on October 31st.

At 9:00 pm, per RSA 91-A:3II, the SB moved and unanimously voted in favor to enter Executive Session to discuss personnel matters.  At 9:10 pm, the board moved unanimously in favor to exit Executive Session and adjourn.