Historic District Commission
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Meeting Minutes

Members present:Doug Walker, Noel Greiner, Kathy Scott, Anne Howe
Members absent: Tom Weller, Scott Oliver
Members of the public: Rex Baker, Don Scott

Doug Walker called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm.

Members approved the agenda as presented.

Review of the HDC Application Forms
Mr. Walker updated members that the HDC subcommittee met to begin revising the HDC application form and continues to work on it. The group awaits clarification from the state on the regulatory definition of “filed” and the specific requirements of the town surrounding application filing dates and procedures. Mr. Walker went through the application package in its current form, highlighting the revisions, and noted that the subcommittee hopes to be able to finalize the materials at its next meeting on August 6, for presentation to the HDC in late August.

Initial review of HDC # 2019-5, Historic Harrisville, Kadakit Street extension over Goose Brook
Mr. Walker noted that HHI filed an application to install two black 24’ long, 42” high metal handrails along the sides of the dirt overpass. The handrail is required by the FERC for pedestrian safety. As the applicant, or a representative, is required to attend the HDC meeting to present the application, and an abutters list was not submitted, the HDC determined the 45 day review clock was stopped. The HDC will notify the applicant on these matters.

New business
Historic property inventory– Anne Howe discussed the property inventory project and her collaboration with Greg Socinski. Don Scott hopes to work with Mr. Socinski to update the photos of the properties. Doug Walker will contact Erin Hammerstedt to request Mr. Socinski’s availability to continue with the inventory project.

Rex Baker asked if homeowners will be given the opportunity to review the inventory write-ups, noting that homeowners may be able to offer additional information.  All agreed this was a good idea.

Community Planning Survey Form– Anne Howe raised the issue that the NH Division of Historic Resources sent HHI a Community Planning Survey Form and she hoped to get confirmation about whether this was required by the state or whether the state is committed to using it in the future. Doug Walker will inquire of HHI.

Historic Homeowner Workshops– Rex Baker asked if the HDC had ever considered offering workshops, possibly once or twice a year, for property owners in the historic districts. Subjects could include windows, paint, roofs, storm doors, etc.  Members discussed ideas and agreed to consider further.

HDC Regulations– As a final matter, Mr. Walker noted that revision of the HDC’s regulations will be addressed by the subcommittee. Noel Greiner stated he hopes it is a top priority. The next subcommittee meeting is Tuesday, August 6, at 2:00 pm.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.