Ordinance Review Committee
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Meeting Minutes
Attendees: Carol Ogilvie, Don Scott, Harry Wolhandler, Lisa Anderson, Charlie Sorenson, Mary Ann Noyer
Minutes of previous meeting 7/16/2019 – approved
Working from Carol Ogilvie’s memo, Potential Zoning Amendments for Discussion on July 23, and the previous meeting, the group discussed the following topics:
Sign ordinance – Existing Article XVII
Members agreed the purpose statement should read “…to protect the Town’s public safety and aesthetics…” rather than “…protect the Town’s appearance and aesthetics” and that last word of same paragraph should read “condition” rather than “repair.”
17.1.1 – Members discussed interpretations of the word “flashing” but reached no consensus about amending.
17.1.8 – Group discussed square footage and size restrictions, and interpretations of freestanding versus attached, as well as language around size restrictions for multiple signs at one location. Discussed reordering phrasing to help clarify. Will revisit with Carol’s next draft.
17.1.9 – Lisa Anderson will discuss with the Select Board their preference for the provision requiring approval of the SB for posting of signs on town property.
Article XXII: Solar
Members noted the useful or unnecessary elements in each of the sample solar ordinances from Dublin, Winchester and Antrim. All liked Carol’s proposed purpose statement and language addressing safety, visual impact, setback requirements for various districts and differentiation between personal and commercial applications. Group aims to clarify the criteria for each type of application within each district, and likes the submission requirements for site plan review as outlined in Winchester’s ordinance. Dublin’s template could be most useful though Harrisville needs to adapt with other necessary provisions, including addressing process for historic and lakeside districts.
All agreed proposed amendment should include a provision addressing decommissioning of structures when no longer in use, and addressing requirements for meeting all building codes and all general requirements or restrictions for the district in which it is proposed. Group agreed on provisions addressing residential and commercial but not “community scale” or larger systems. All of the proposed sample ordinances allow for residential renewable energy systems by right.
Members further identified from the three sample ordinances the provisions they liked and didn’t, acknowledging that specific criteria have to be included. All agreed amendment needs to differentiate between residential renewable systems that would be as of right versus those which will require additional approvals. Group liked Dublin’s template language for residential renewable energy systems but noted the need to add language about meeting height, setback and other restrictions required for applicable district.
Group then reviewed language for commercial or non-residential systems and site plan review requirements. Agreed bonding should be required, as well as decommissioning language.
For definitions, members agreed on the need to differentiate between residential and no-residential and that general definitions should be located in one definitions section. Generally like Dublin’s language for definitions.
Once a draft solar ordinance is prepared, Carol and group will compare it to our existing site plan review criteria to ensure the requirements coincide and that these criteria would cover issues like screening and visual impact, etc.
Impervious cover
Agreed that phrase, “unless designed to effectively absorb or filter water” should be removed and that, given that impervious cover threshold would be raised to 30%, pervious paving techniques would not count to lower impervious cover calculation. Agreed at this point with language in Carol’s version. Will circle back to this when address stormwater management.
At the next meeting, the committee will continue with solar and begin to address stormwater management and wetlands.The next meeting is Tuesday, August 6th @ 5:30 pm.
Meeting adjourned at 7:05 pm.