Meeting location: Town offices
Date: July 18, 2019
Members present: Jay Jacobs, Kathy Scott, Andrea Hodson
Meeting opened: 7:00 pm. Meeting adjourned: 9:35 pm
Members of the public: John Cucchi, Anne Cucchi, Dan Loyd, Gus Larandeau, Pamela Worden, Charles Faucher, Don Scott
Meeting conduct guidelines– The SB moved to adopt a set of behavioral guidelines, drafted by the PB and posted in the town office meeting room. All voted in favor.
Meeting Minutes of July 11-12– The SB approved Meeting Minutes of July 11-12. However, regarding the Richardsons’ request for Town Fireworks, the SB requested to note that this is a perennial issue and that the board will respond in writing to the residents. Separately, the SB wished to add that the SB supports the Transportation Committee’s application to MAST for grant money toward the crosswalk project and the radar sign for Route 137 and Hancock Road.
All States Asphalt– Gus Larandeau of All States Asphalt thanked the town for its work preparing Hancock Road for reclaiming. The SB expressed appreciation to Mr. Larandeau and the Highway Department for all the work and collaboration.
SWRPC– The SB noted that it will meet with Henry Underwood of SWRPC and the Road Agent on 8/1 as part of SWRPC’s Paved Road Technical Assistance Project.
Skatutakee Road Parcel-Dan Loyd, Skatutakee Road resident, addressed the SB to request clarification of ownership of the parcel of land through which the Loyds were told they had lake access when they purchased their property on the south side of Skatutakee Road. Mr. Loyd noted that this was his and his wife’s understanding from the previous owner. Following objection to their recreational activity on the subject property over the July 4 holiday, the Loyds hoped for guidance as they do not wish or intend to trespass or cause any problems. The SB offered a summary of the legal history of the parcel and the town’s current position based on the most recent court settlement, the terms of which gave then owner Toni Silk the fee while the town retains the viatic right; that is, the public right to pass and repass over the subject lot without the right to stay, picnic, park, etc. The SB noted that, though the situation continues to be a source of conflict, until any court determines otherwise, the town’s position remains as is. The SB continues, however, to review the legal documents submitted last month by interested parties.
Regarding mooring regulations, Kathy Scott noted that Skatutakee is an unregulated lake, which means that moorings are allowed but not on another person’s property. If town residents would like a lake regulated, they have the right to petition the SB.
Streetlights– Kathy Scott reported that Eversource will not put the newly available LED bulbs in the town’s fixtures and are still considering the committee’s request to replace the remaining old fixtures. Eversource will, however, replace the 8 non-functioning bulbs with incandescent lights. Kathy Scott acknowledged that the committee knows the goal is to have LED bulbs and that Eversource will not approve the EOL rate plan with the current lights. The committee will draft a response to Eversource and will bring it to the SB for review and approval.
Transportation Committee– The SB drafted a response to send to the DOT thanking them for their letter laying out potential options for a crosswalk. The question arose whether Historic Harrisville has jurisdiction on the state Right-Of-Way? Separately, it was noted that the Police Chief recommends a solar powered radar sign for the intersection of Route 137 and Hancock Road.
Budget– Andrea Hodson noted that the half-year financials will be drafted for review at next week’s meeting.
Fire Department– SB was notified that the soffits on the old fire department building on Harrisville Pond need replacing before it can be painted. Separately the SB reviewed in detail bids to replace the roof at the current Fire Department on Chesham Road. Following review and discussion, Kathy Scott moved to accept G&R Roofing’s proposal to replace the Fire Department roof based on strength and completeness of proposal. Andrea Hodson seconded. All voted in favor.
Highway Department– The Road Agent is aware of the branch over Sunset Beach that needs to be removed and will take care of it. Regarding vehicle damage to the Prospect Street bridge railing, the SB will work with Police Chief to investigate further and to submit a claim to Primex.
Recycling Center– SB noted the following schedule for disposal of household hazardous materials at the Keene Hazardous Waste Facility, 55 Old Summit Road in Keene, from 8:00 am to 1pm. The dates are Saturdays and Wednesdays July 27th, August 10th, 14th, and 24th, September 14th, 18thand 28th, and October 5th, 16th, and 26th. Collection is free for Harrisville residents, with a limit of 10 gallons per household per collection. Dates and times will be posted on the website homepage. Separately the SB discussed the succession plan for the RC Manager’s retirement and will invite Randy Tarr, Jr. to meet with the SB.
Trails Committee– SB continued discussion of damage to the rail trails caused by motorized vehicles on thawed ground. Andrea Hodson will follow up with the Police Chief.
Old Home Days– SB will talk to the committee about adding another restroom facility for fireworks night.