Meeting location: Town offices
Date: July 11, 2019
Members present: Kathy Scott, Andrea Hodson. Members absent: Jay Jacobs
Meeting opened: 7:00 pm. Meeting continued: 8:35 pm to Friday, July 12, at 9:00 am
Members of the public: Rex Baker, Suzanne Richardson, Don Scott, Anne Cucchi, John Cucchi
Fireworks– Suzanne Richardson of Island Street addressed the board regarding safety concerns from falling, lighted debris from the annual event, particularly this year and last year. She explained how the positioning of the display resulted in residue blowing onto the property. Her husband had written the SB about this last year. Ms. Richardson shared five photos of their home, car and boat depicting ashen materials. The residents are not asking the board to cancel the annual fireworks but to consider an alternate location or alternate positioning and direction, e.g., over the water or from a barge. They are concerned about a fire hazard, particularly if they are not at home. The board thanked Ms. Richardson and noted it will take the information into account when planning next year’s activities.
Complaint regarding gazebo on Skatutakee Road – The SB moved to accept as written a letter drafted by the SB to the Police Chief, which the SB will present to the Police Chief to deliver to the resident. Andrea Hodson seconded. All voted in favor.
Wilderness Trail– The response letter from the residents of Wilderness Trail to the SB regarding the naming of their section of road will be forwarded to the Police and Fire Chief.
Boards and Committees:
Common Threads– Andrea Hodson will draft SB submission for the next issue.
SWRPC– Kathy Scott noted that Henry Underwood has offered to work with the Road Agent this summer to map paved roads and culverts as part of SWRPC’s program to offer data collection, survey of conditions and technical assistance, free of charge. Attendee Rex Baker asked about the ability to track private roads, e.g., portions of Church Street, School Street, Church alley, Island Street and Canal Street. SB noted it will confirm this.
Trails Committee/Letter from Barb Watkins– SB noted Barbara Watkins’s request for enforcement of the “No ATV” law on local trails. The Trails Committee is working on a repair/upgrade plan, including a cost estimate. But, as Ms. Watkins noted, ATV use is worsening the situation.
Transportation Committee– Mary Day Mordecai and Ned Hulbert summarized the Transportation Commission’s work to date, from the year-long effort on Complete Streets and the endorsement of the SB of the Complete Streets Resolution, to the demo of the crosswalk near the General Store at Old Home Days 2018, which was positively received by the public. Since then, the committee has focused on two efforts: the establishment of the School Safety Zone and the crosswalk. On the latter, the TC has been working with the DOT. Funds for an engineering study were approved and are budgeted. Ms. Mordecai then reviewed the document sent by Mike O’Donnell of the DOT to the Select Board offering three options for the Town’s pursuit of a crosswalk. The options include: 1) No action; 2) pursuing the standard DOT process for crosswalks, including two light poles and an intersection sign with flashing beacons facing both directions; or 3) installing one light pole, radar on speed limit sign and intersection signs facing both directions without flashing beacons.
Ms. Mordecai noted the DOT recommends that the town hire an engineer to assess the viability of a pole on either side and, if this isn’t possible, assess if adequate safety conditions are in place for option 3, preferred by the TC, to be feasible. The study then goes to the DOT for review. There is some time pressure in that the deadline for a MAST (Monadnock Area Sustainable Transportation) Grant application is July 31, and the SB is likely to have to sign this. Following discussion, the SB moved and unanimously voted in favor to accept the proposal from the Transportation Committee to proceed with the hiring of a professional engineer for a crosswalk analysis to submit to the DOT.
Regarding the Transportation Committee’s and others’ concerns about the intersection of Route 137 and Hancock Road, Mr. O’Donnell visited the area. He noted the limited visibility and the high vegetation and recommends a radar on the existing 35 mph speed limit sign. The SB will talk to the Road Agent about the possibility of mowing on the northwest corner. Ms. Mordecai will ask Mike O’Donnell about a radar sign for the NW side of Route 137.
Non-public session– At 7:26 pm, RSA 91-A3(ii), SB moved and unanimously voted in favor to enter executive session to discuss a private matter with the Welfare Officer. Following discussion, Kathy Scott moved to accept the request from Welfare Officer in the amount of $1,750.00. The vote in favor was unanimous. At 7:41pm, the SB moved and voted in favor to exit executive session.
Other business:
SB signed Tax Abatement request for Connie Sirois (Map 40 Lot 21-2).
SB member submitted a request for one third of stipend in amount of $1,000 for March to July 2019.
Continued meeting minutes of Friday, July 12:
Meeting location: Town offices
Date: July 12, 2019
Members present: Jay Jacobs, Kathy Scott, Andrea Hodson
Meeting continued: 9:00 am. Meeting adjourned: 11:05 am
SB discussed hours of operation for the Tax Collector’s office. No immediate action taken. The SB will explore again to ensure maximum benefit /opportunity for residents.
Skatutakee Road– The SB heard from John Cucchi regarding the Skatutakee Road parcel. He objects to the letter being sent by the SB (see “Police Chief” below) and objects to what he sees as the town’s ignoring the Supreme Court decision on the matter and his rebuttal to Pamela Worden’s submission. When Mr. Cucchi’s temper and behavior became increasingly hostile and disruptive, the SB asked Mr. Cucchi to leave. He would not. The SB stated that the matter was closed for now.
Streetlights– Kathy noted the committee is reviewing the estimate provided by Eversource to replace 6 lights with Wheeler head, Radial Wave shade and bulbs. The estimated cost is $2,360.52. The committee will come back to the SB with updates on the plan/proposal. Eversource did not respond about the trial LED lights. Jay Jacobs maintains the position that the town should not pay to repair non-functioning fixtures. He also noted continued interest in getting on cheaper rate plan.
Wilderness Trail– SB discussed the response from residents regarding name change for 911 eligibility. Kathy Scott will talk to the Police Chief. SB will wait for residents to attend SB meeting.
Fireworks issue– Kathy Scott will explore possibility of alternate plan for fireworks with fireworks company and Fire Chief.
Transportation Committee– Andrea Hodson reviewed Mary Day Mordecai’s and Ned Hulbert’s update presented the prior evening. Group discussed getting Historic Harrisville’s support given location of the proposed crosswalk.
Police Department– SB presented the Police Chief with a letter for Daniel and Susan Loyd of 8 Loyd Lane, Map 30-87, to request removal of objects on property at 153 Skatutakee Road.
SB signed financials in the amount of $11,181.18.
Fire Department– SB approved repairs to the ATV as recommended by the Fire Chief, estimated roughly to be a couple of hundred dollars.
Rail Trail and enforcement of ATV law– SB will discuss with the Police Chief.
At 10:23 am, the SB moved, per RSA 91A:3II, and unanimously voted in favor to enter Executive Session to discuss personnel and legal matters. At 11:00 am, the SB moved and unanimously voted in favor to exit Executive Session.
SB signed Meeting Minutes of June 28, 2019.
SWRPC – The SB tabled this until the next meeting.