Historic District Commission
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Meeting Minutes
Members present: Doug Walker, Noel Greiner, Scott Oliver, Kathy Scott, Anne Howe, Don Scott
Members absent: Tom Weller
Members of the public: Erin Hammerstedt, Greg SocinskiAgenda
Members approved the agenda as presented.
Minutes of previous meeting 5/22.
Members approved the minutes as written.
HDC/HHI – Property inventory project update
Greg Socinski, summer intern for Historic Harrisville, shared his work on the inventory of Historic District properties. He has uploaded into google maps the national historic landmark district properties with various details available on the property’s historic significance. The properties are from the town’s six historic districts, distinguished by boundaries, and are identified by HDC property number, National District # and possibly an HHI archive #. Mr. Socinski aims to have the map set up and usable by end of summer, with the ability for an HHI and/or HDC member to add information as needed. Photos of the properties also will be updated. HHI intends to demo the survey work at Old Home Days.
Subcommittee to revise regulations and application procedure
Doug Walker notified that the SB endorsed the establishment of a subcommittee to update the HDC’s regulations and application materials. It was proposed that Kathy Scott, Doug Walker and Sherry Sims would serve as members with support from Anne Howe. Noel Greiner moved to approve the formation of the subcommittee. Scott Oliver seconded. All voted in favor.
Membership / Election of officers
Doug Walker noted that Anne Howe was officially sworn in as an Alternate. Separately members discussed the review process for new members with Kathy Scott noting delays in the Select Board’s role have been caused by its workload in recent weeks. Subsequently, Doug Walker moved to nominate Noel Greiner as HDC Vice Chairman. Kathy Scott seconded. All voted in favor.
HDC application form
Kathy Scott noted Anne Howe’s suggestions to revise the form, including updating the address. Subcommittee will review this as part of the updates to the HDC regulations and application process.
Meeting adjourned at 8:19 pm.