Meeting location: Town offices
Date: May 23, 2019
Members present: Jay Jacobs, Kathy Scott, Andrea Hodson
Meeting opened: 7:00 pm; Meeting adjourned: 9:00 pm

Members of the public: Rodger Martin, Don Scott, Tom Killilea, Andrew Maneval

Memorial Day Ceremonies – Rodger Martin met with the SB to discuss logistics for the ceremony Sunday, May 26, at 11:00 am at Veteran’s Park. All SB members will attend.

Tax Collector – The Tax Collector and Mr. Killilea met with the SB to discuss Mr. Killilea’s request for a 30-day extension on payment of back taxes. The parties reviewed the existing payment agreement in addition to other taxes owed to avoid deeding of property. Following further discussion, the SB moved, in the case of Mr. Killilea, that he agrees, in order for his property not to be deeded on May 28th, he will pay $5,000 on Tuesday, May 28, and upon notice from the Tax Collector of deeding of 2015 tax, Mr. Killilea will make the needed payment to remain in good standing. Andrea Hodson seconded. All voted in favor.

At 7:32 pm, per RSA 91-A:3,II(a), SB moved and unanimously voted in favor to enter non-public to discuss additional tax matters as well as personnel matters.SB subsequently moved to approve extended leave without pay, unless determined otherwise, from mid-July to late September with the understanding that the position will be backfilled by the Deputy Tax Collector except for the week of the deputy’s vacation, when the Tax Collector’s office will be closed.  Kathy Scott seconded. All voted in favor. At 7:45 pm, SB moved and unanimously voted in favor to exit Executive Session.

Broadband Committee – Andrew Maneval updated the SB on the committee’s recent work and on the Town of Chesterfield’s initiative to bond Consolidated Communications’ installation of fiber into all residents’ homes. Mr. Maneval asked the SB to consider the possibility, or something similar, for the Town of Harrisville, which would require decisions by the SB in the coming weeks and months in order to prepare for the next Town Meeting. He added that other nearby towns are at various stages of proceeding and that state law may not permit towns to do this jointly, though there is a bill in the state house to allow it. The process would involve several steps, including an RFI (Request for Information) and an RFP (Request for Proposal) from service providers and the consideration of contract stipulations. Mr. Maneval noted three requirements, among others: the need for the committee to prepare the necessary materials in conjunction with the SB; the need for the SB to endorse it; and the need for buy-in from town and for residents to be prepared to vote on it. SB and Mr. Maneval then discussed the potential timeline and possible option of a community conversation. Mr. Maneval requested, in the coming weeks, for some guidance for the broadband committee from the SB about where the SB stands on the matter.

Other business:
SB acknowledged receipt of materials for review from Pamela Worden.

Fire Department – Andrea will look for template RFP for roof repair.

Highway – no further update on Hancock Road

Library – Garth Tichy will stop by library to investigate needed repair to septic

SB moved to accept resignation of Patty Massey Town Clerk with heartfelt thanks for years of work and the lives she touched during her time here. All voted in favor.SB subsequently signed Cathy Lovas’s appointment and Oath of Office.

In response to Mr. Sims’s request about construction on Hancock Road, it is the SB’s position that the proper permits were obtained from the state and if Mr. Sims has any additional questions, they suggest he contact the DES.

Wilderness Trail – SB will contact residents to let them know they need to agree on a road name to obtain a 911 number.

Streetlights – Kathy Scott will contact Eversource regarding a work order.

Safety Committee – SB requests additional information regarding the request for $250 to replace first aid kit and other items at highway barn.