Meeting location: Town offices
Date: May 9, 2019
Members present: Jay Jacobs, Kathy Scott, Andrea Hodson
Meeting opened: 7:00 pm; Meeting adjourned: 9:34 pm
Members of the public:Sheldon Pennoyer, Thomas Hanna, Alex Cucchi, John Cucchi, Annie Dintino, Anne Cucchi, Courtney Cox , Anne Howe, Doug Walker, Mike Wilder, Winston Sims, Sherry Sims
Code Enforcement – Sheldon Pennoyer and Tom Hanna, representing Edward and Ellen Bernard of Number 4 Hill at Mason Road, met with the SB to discuss a building permit application. At issue was whether or not the proposed conversion of a barn to accommodate two bedrooms and one bath constitutes an Accessory Dwelling Unit, living space, or an extension of the single family residence. Referring to the town’s own definitions in its ordinances of ADUs and of living spaces, Mr. Hanna and Mr. Pennoyer stated their belief that the proposed construction does not fall into the definition of a dwelling unit, or living space, because it will not contain a kitchen. Under both the states and the town’s definition of an ADU, it must contain a kitchen.
Following discussion of the proposal as well as the location of the barn, where historically a barn was located, and in light of input from the Building Inspector, Andrea Hodson moved to accept the determination that, by the town’s ordinances, the proposal does not legally or technically fall within the ADU regulations. Kathy Scott seconded. The vote was 2-0 in favor with Jay Jacobs recusing himself. It was noted that the applicant will be adding an additional septic.
John and Anne Cucchi met with the SB to provide an update on improvements to Logan Road, a condition imposed by the Planning Board in 2017 as part of a subdivision approval. Mr. Cucchi noted that he was ready to have the work inspected. A tentative meeting was scheduled for Saturday, May 11, with the road engineer, members of the Select Board and the Building Inspector to attend. The Cucchis provided the Building Inspector with copies of the approved driveway permits as well as the Planning Board’s notice of decision for the subdivision.
The Building Inspector will meet with Andrea Hodson to review the details of the Building Permit process and both will work to draft a flow chart or “road map” for residents seeking information. Also regarding the Building Permit process, Sherry Sims asked the board about its position on this subject as a proposed article for Common Threads, which would include some history on the town’s regulations, how the building permit process has evolved and what it entails today. The SB agreed it could be helpful information for residents and thanked Ms. Sims for her work.
Historic District Commission – SB discussed with Chair Doug Walker the procedures for bringing prospective members to the attention of the Select Board and reviewed the process undergone by other boards. Separately, Anne Howe offered to conduct research and to support the HDC in its effort to redraft regulations and set technical design standards and guidelines if the SB and HDC agreed. The SB thanked Ms. Howe for her time and will take her offer under advisement.
Zoning Ordinance/Town Meeting – Winston Sims expressed concern to the SB about the difference in the language of the impervious cover provision of the zoning ordinance as it was voted on at town meeting versus how it was presented, and endorsed, by the Planning Board prior to the official vote. He referred to RSA 675:3, related to zoning and ordinance enactment and adoption procedures, as the basis for his contention. The board noted that an attorney from the NH Municipal Association had been consulted on the matter, and that the attorney stated that the language that was voted on, and adopted at Town Meeting, is the language that remains in effect until and unless a new amendment is brought forward for a vote.
South Road Bridge – The SB met with the DOT on May 7 to discuss possible repairs to the bridge. Following the meeting, the DOT provided the town with the option to forego the immediate opportunity for a grant but to stay on the grant list until 2025, at which time the town can reassess its condition. In meantime, the town can explore any need for minor repairs. Following discussion, Kathy Scott moved for the town to remain in the State Bridge Aid program, sliding funding for the project to Fiscal Year 2025. Andrea Hodson seconded. All voted in favor.
Highway– Following the Safety committee inspection, the Emergency Management Director will provide the highway barn with a new First Aid Kit and additional signage. Separately, the SB notified the Road Agent that Eversource will be installing a push brace (or support) pole on Lampman Road.
Library– Following confirmation that a seal is needed for the library septic, the Road Agent noted that the Highway Dept will handle repair.
Documents and financials– SB signed financials in the amount of $2,955.10; SB approved the SB meeting minutes of May 3; SB signed the auditors’ report by Vachon Clukay.
Old Home Day – TheSB will have Table at Old Home Day when it hopes to kick off discussions about the 150th anniversary of town and to explore relevant activities, artifacts and resources for inclusion.
Chesham Pond Dam– the Dam Bureau notified the town that the refill of Chesham Pond is expected to begin the first week of June with the water coming from Seaver Reservoir. The Dam Bureau will notify Fish and Game regarding the partial drawdown of Seaver Reservoir.