Meeting location: Town offices
Date: May 3, 2019
Members present: Jay Jacobs, Kathy Scott, Andrea Hodson
Meeting opened: 9:00 am; Meeting adjourned: 11:30 am

Members of the public and town staff:Phyllis Tarr, Wes Tarr, Wayne DeRosia, John Cucchi, Anne Cucchi, Ranae O’Neil

Town operations
Recycling Center – RC Manager met with the SB to request more frequent emptying of bins by Monadnock Disposal Services. Following discussion and recommendation of the SB for MDS to bring in an extra, smaller bin, it was decided Ms. Tarr will work with Kathy Scott and MDS to resolve. Also, SB will notify Ms. Tarr when MDS will be called in to haul.

Fire Department – The Fire Chief requested to use the Old Town Barn for training on the evening of May 15 evening. SB okayed this.

Banking services review – The SB met with Ranae O’Neil to discuss banking services and operations for town. Ms. O’Neil will work with the SB to develop criteria for evaluating services, particularly related to reporting formats and municipal services, and determine if it makes sense to change. A tentative meeting was set for May 16thwith the Treasurer, Andrea Hodson and Ms. O’Neil attending.

Highway – SB discussed options with Road Agent for putting ATV with trailer, for recreational or professional use, out to bid. May 9 is last day to submit it for auction; otherwise town must advertise. Andrea Hodson will research further.

Police/Highway – Regarding resident’s request for a 911 number in order to receive power from Eversource, SB will follow recommendation of Police Chief and Road Agent regarding driveway permit, road name and mapping/numbering. Separately, Road Agent informed board that new culverts were installed on Cherry Hill and Venable Roads.

Library – Kathy Scott will coordinate with Chris Parker and Bell’s to service library septic.

Code enforcement – As the Building Inspector has filed for a permit to construct extensions to existing garden sheds, the SB will conduct a site visit. The proposal includes extensions of 14×32 and 16×20 on ¾’’ stone. SB will conduct site visit.

John and Anne Cucchi met with the SB to clarify the process for receiving their building permit, which is subject to conditions placed upon the applicants by the Planning Board as part of their subdivision approval. The Cucchis also hope to expedite the process as they are working to grade the road and hope to be finished by the end of next week. Mr. Cucchi expressed anger and frustration, accusing the SB of dragging out the process, after which Jay Jacobs requested that he leave. The SB noted that the Cucchis agreed to the PB’s conditions and must meet them as outlined. The SB received a copy of the permit application with plans from Anne Cucchi and will meet with the applicants at its next meeting.

Historic District Commission – SB discussed process for recruiting and recommending new members and the status of HDC regulation review and updating. SB will request that Doug Walker attend its next meeting to continue discussion.

Old Home Days – Fireworks tentatively set for July 7.

Payroll – SB will discuss social security withholding with employee.

IT – Andrea Hodson updated SB on replacement of computers in Select Board and Town Clerk’s offices.

Documents signed and reviewed
SB signed financials in amount of $51,844.23.

SB approved Meeting Minutes of April 25, 2019.

SB acknowledged receipt of monthly water sample for the spring located on town property and noted that e-coli and coliform counts are in normal range.