Meeting location: Town offices
Date: April 18, 2019
Members present: Jay Jacobs, Kathy Scott, Andrea Hodson
Meeting opened: 7:00 pm; Meeting adjourned 9:05 pm

Members of the public: Don Scott

Documents signed or reviewed:
Minutes of April 11SB moved to amend the minutes of its April 11 meeting to reflect that the contract with Mitchell Sand & Gravel was not signed at last week’s meeting.  Instead, the SB postponed the decision until the deadline tonight given the potential for additional bids.  All voted in favor.

SB signed financials in the amount of $156,230.56.

SB signed HV Cemetery Plot Receipts for Julie and Alan Lord.

Departments, Boards and Committees:
ZBA – Kathy Scott briefed the SB on the ZBA meeting of Wednesday, April 17, at which the issue of jurisdiction over the hearing was discussed and interpretation of the wording of the ZBA’s motion of August 1, 2018. Following the hearing, the ZBA approved the Raynor’s proposal for window replacements at 3 Main Street. Ms. Scott emphasized that process and procedure were the key issues. She urged the SB to look at how the ZBA decision was made and whether it should be corrected. Though she reported that Historic Harrisville communicated in a letter that it would not appeal, Kathy Scott felt the SB should act to ensure all boards are functioning within their regulations and communicating effectively. Jay Jacobs spoke to the independence of boards and the ability of members to base decisions on reasoned consideration, as well as being part of the deliberation process. He also noted that such decisions do not set precedent. All agreed the SB should work with the boards to continue to promote sound processes and procedure. No motion was made.

Safety Committee – Andrea Hodson noted the committee had a helpful training and will consider whether and how to incorporate what was learned in the coming week. On the items noted in the  Safety Committee report, Jeff Cady continues to address them.  she noted items are in process hould be the key issue for all the boards.

Highway Department – Kathy Scott moved to sign the contract for Mitchell Sand & Gravel paving project for the approved Warrant Article IV at the State DOT bid price of $130,277.50 or $63.55 per ton. Andrea Hodson seconded. All voted in favor. The Road Agent reported that other bid prices per ton were as follows: BDM at $71 per ton; GMI at $ 74; and Lane at $112. Separately, SB signed contract with All States Asphalt for 3K gallons of liquid chloride for $3,600 to treat roads.

Other business:
SB workshop – Andrea Hodson and Kathy Scott offered a summary of the “Know the Territory” workshop they attended in Peterborough. One of the recommendations made was to include the town audit in the Town Report each year. Jay Jacobs noted that it has typically been included in past years and all agreed it should be included in the future. Other topics covered at the workshop involved intragovernmental relations, meeting procedures and procedures for public comment, and Right to Know Law guidelines for public and non-public meetings.

Banking Services Review – As Ranae O’Neil was not available, SB postponed this discussion.

SB Meeting Schedule – SB discussed rescheduling its workshop meetings, to date held on the last Thursday night of the month, to another morning. No decision made. However, SB noted that the first Department Heads staff meeting is Friday, May 3rd, at 9:00 am, and no SB meeting will be held the night before. SB requests that Angela Hendrickson post this rescheduled SB meeting time.

Roads and Bridges – SB reviewed and discussed engineering report on the South Road bridge. SB will propose Tuesday, May 7, to meet with DOT.

Prospect Street Culvert – Don Scott, as authorized representative for the town, will submit the signed notification papers to DES for repairs to the Prospect Street culvert. Mr. Scott also had copies for the Town Clerk, the Select Board and the Conservation Commission.

Office of Select Board and IT – SB moved, at the recommendation of Alexis Pittman, to replace 3 computers, one for the Town Clerk and two in the Select Board’s office, in the amount of $3,000 as budgeted in 2018 under line item #4194-017. All voted in favor.

Old Home Day – Fireworks Date – SB will suggest Saturday, July 6, for fireworks.

Town Sesquicentennial – SB held a brief initial discussion on the SB’s role in the commemoration of the 150thanniversary of the forming of the town. Discussion to continue.