Harrisville Conservation Commission


Wednesday, March 6, 2019, 7:00 PM Town Offices


  1. Agenda Review

  2. Approve Minutes of 2/9/2019

  3. Harris Center – new Rail Trail Conservation Easement – request for support
    1. Any info on Jaquith Road Conservation Easement to Harrisville, approx. 1998?


  1. Keene State Student Project: Designing a Rain Garden for Harrisville
    1. Presentation / discussion with students


  1. Amphibian Crossing Program
    1. Update on Promo Plan
    2. Alert plan for warm spring rain event night


  1. Earth Day (Monday 4/22/2019) & Roadside Pickup (Saturday 4/19/2019)
    1. Bags on hand or need from Concord?
    2. Town street map & signup – location: recycle center?
    3. Promo posters?


  1. Aquatic Invasive Prevention
    1. Clean, Drain & Dry service area – good idea? Where? Who pays?
    2. Promo for Weed Watcher trainings – Sat. June 22 9-10:30 boaters and lake hosts
      1. Harrisville: lake hosts, sportsmen, boaters, kayakers, swimmers
      2. Nearby towns: Nelson, Dublin, Stoddard (Granite Lake), Marlborough


  1. Harrisville Town Meeting
    1. Conservation Fund Ordinance Support Document
    2. Staffing handouts for town meeting – Ordinance doc and Amphib Crossing Training Handout


  1. Reports on other town committees (5-10 minutes)
    1. Selectboard
    2. Planning Board
    3. Zoning Board of Adjustment
    4. Community Outreach to Conservation-related Organizations


  1. Other business