AGENDA                                           Town of Harrisville, NH Board of Selectmen                                                                                                                       

SELECT BOARD FOR THURSDAY 1/24/2019;  Meeting: town office, 7 PM

Jay Jacobs chair   Present

Jon Miner             Present

Kathy Scott           Present


Documents to sign or review: approval SB Meeting Minutes1/17/2019

US DOL: sign paperwork verifying back pay for OT receipt

MOA USACE and NH Historic Preservation officer re Chesham Dam Project, Harrisville, NH: review for future discussion w/ HHI as/if needed

Warrant workshop

Fixed date for Budget Hearing will be:  7 pm on Tuesday February 12, 2019;

School Board Annual Meeting: 5:30 pm Tuesday March 12, 2019. Followed by

Annual Town Meeting: 7:00 pm Tuesday March 12, 2019 

Polls open:  11 am,  Polls close: 8 pm

Any other business that may legally come before the board