Meeting location: Town offices
Date: January 17, 2019 – January 18, 2019
Members present: Jay Jacobs, Jonathan Miner, Kathleen Scott
Meeting opened: 7:00 pm; Meeting continued: 9:30 pm to 9:00 am on January 18
Members of the public: Jeff Cady, Don Scott, Ned Hulbert, Lisa Anderson, Ryan Stone, Gus Lerandeau, Harry Wolhandler
Documents signed or reviewed:
SB approved meeting minutes of January 10, continued to January 11, 2019.
SB acknowledged receipt of 2018 Gas Usage from the Police, Highway and Recycling Departments.
Departments, Boards and Committees:
Assessing – SB approved updated Current Use Application Form.
Conservation Commission – Harry Wolhandler presented the HCC’s proposed Warrant Article regarding easing restrictions on uses of Conservation Fund assets. Subject to slight revision of wording, Kathy Scott moved to accept proposed Article for the Warrant Article as written. All voted in favor. SB added that the Warrant will note that it is proposed by HCC and recommended by the Select Board.
Joint Loss Management/Safety – Jeff Cady met with SB to discuss the visit by Inspector Perry of the DOL. Following receipt of the minutes of the First Safety Committee, to be scheduled the last week in January, the state will sign off on the final safety report.
Highway Department – Gus Lerandeau of All-State Asphalt, Inc. presented proposed contract for road reclaiming and emulsion injection. Kathy Scott moved to approve and sign proposed contract from All States Asphalt as submitted. Seconded by Jon Miner. All voted in favor. The contract states the agreed upon price of $6.20 per square yard and an agreed upon square yardage not to exceed 31,000. The sections of road include Hancock Road, from Jaquith easterly to Route 137, and Hancock Road from the intersection of Bonds Corner to the bridge at Jaquith Road.
Planning Board – Co-Chairs Lisa Anderson and Ryan Stone submitted the PB’s draft report for the annual Town Report; SB noted it received the PBs proposed ballot on zoning ordinance changes for March 2019 Town Meeting, subject to review by DRA and NHMA. The full text of proposed zoning revisions will be available in ballot booths; PB presented its proposed budget for 2019. Only area of increase is $1,500 for anticipated professional consultant needs related to ordinance review. In terms of the broadband/cell budget, Ned Hulbert noted that research questions remain outstanding, SB noted it may propose Warrant Article to reallocate any already approved but unused funds approved at the 2018 Town Meeting.
PB also wished to discuss communications protocol, moving forward, for potential town vehicle activity on Jaquith Road. Mr. Hulbert offered to draft tentative protocol and all agreed it makes sense for the SB to notify the relevant board should activity be anticipated and then PB can manage communication with residents.
Streetlight Committee – Don Scott noted the committee’s submission of its shortened year-end report for print in the Town Report. Committee has decided that it will not propose a Warrant Article at the upcoming Town Meeting as it continues to research best next steps. SB noted its appreciation of the committee’s work.
Separately, SB noted that Eversource needs to be contacted about nonfunctioning light on pole #118 and requests that the office handle this.
Other Business:
PB alternate member nomination – Following the PB’s discussion with SB last week and SB consideration, Jay Jacobs moved to approve Don Scott as alternate to PB. Jon Miner seconded. Vote was 2-1 in favor with Kathy Scott recusing herself.
Culvert mapping–Don Scott shared a draft RFP for Culvert and Side-Ditch Survey. SB noted that in the past SWRP has conducted culvert surveys at no cost to towns. SB requests that Angela Hendrickson send a copy of Mr. Scott’s draft to SWRP for their comments and consideration.
SB acknowledged receipt of NH DOT’s Biennial Inspection of Bridges update
SB acknowledged receipt of Keene Sentinel article related to the Richmond Police Department’s turning over police enforcement duties to the County Sheriff’s department. SB does not feel this is appropriate for the town.
SB discussed potential options for a change in the town’s financial program software. Jon Miner will pursue further.
Budget Discussion:
SB reviewed preliminary numbers for 2018 actuals and 2019 proposed budget. Discussion will continue at next regular meeting following input of final year end calculations.
Tentative date for first Budget Hearing remains Thursday, February 14, at 7:00 pm.
Continued meeting (minutes submitted by Kathy Scott):
On Friday morning at 9:00, SB continued its meeting for a work session regarding job descriptions for town employees.