Meeting location: Town offices
Date: November 23, 2018
Members present: Jay Jacobs, Jonathan Miner, Kathleen Scott
Meeting opened: 2:00 pm; Meeting adjourned: 5:20 pm

Members of the public: Charles Sorenson

1-  EMD compensation question- Angela raised the topic as to how the town was to treat compensation to the recently appointed EMD, Jeff Cady, through year end. The budget for that dept. was $1850. We agreed that we must stay within the budget and further discussion with Jeff and the board may be necessary.

2-  Charles Sorenson came in to explain the Trustees of Trust Funds question of what amount of the 2018 warrant article #5 that allocates $55,000 to the capital reserve funds is correct. The confusion is that the article as written and approved by voters and recorded in the Town Clerk’s official minutes of the Town Meeting shows a $5000 difference in the amount allocated to the road equipment fund. Being no reference to or amendments to the original article we believe the voters voted to fund the article at $55,000 as written. Charles asks that the SB write a letter to the trustees to that effect.

3- We discussed whether we can get our payroll vendor (Paychex) to provide on each employee’s check the current and year to date record of sick time, personal days and vacation time. Jon and Kathy will follow up. Discussion as to how and if we could get all employees on direct deposit ensued due to sporadic times that physical checks have not been delivered on time. No decision was made on this issue.

4- A general discussion took place on employee/employee interactions and employee/SB interactions. No decisions were made but the board recognizes that we need to update job descriptions, personnel policy manual and have more interaction, discussion and understanding of work being done and problems that may need to be addressed. No decisions made as we acknowledge that this is ongoing work we must attend to.

5- A general discussion about future employee turnover took place. It was a chance for us all to understand the eventual process that will take place and to be aware of the possible timelines and to have some ideas in moving forward.

Meeting adjourned at 5;20
Minutes by Jay Jacobs