Notice is hereby given that the Harrisville Planning Board will hold its regular monthly meeting at the town office building located on Chesham Road commencing at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, November 14, 2018. Between November 1st and April 30th, meetings may be rescheduled by the Board due to weather conditions deemed dangerous to public safety.


Attendance, Roles and Voting Members
Approval of Agenda
Minutes of previous meetings: 10/10/18 and 10/17/18
Update Planning Board contact list (approve and hand-out)
O’Neil Earth Excavation Permit Extension Application (Jaquith Rd); Public hearing Cucchi Lot-line Adjustment (Tax Map 30-32 and 30-32-11-1); Public Hearing

Community conversation (Ordinance Review and Tower ordinance update)Potential new PB members (we need two members) and process clarifications Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) – PB participation in SB process
Resources: vertical file & flip chart purchase

NHMA workshops, etc OEP annual conference
New Business:
The board may enter into nonpublic session based on RSA 91A:3II (a-l).

Posted by: Lisa Anderson, Co-ChairDate Posted: November 12, 2018