Meeting location: Town offices
Date: November 1, 2018
Members present: Jay Jacobs, Jonathan Miner, Kathleen Scott
Meeting opened: 6:00 pm. Meeting adjourned: 9:30 pm.

Members of the public: Grace Levergood (NH Dam Bureau), Colin Clark (NH Dam Bureau), Nadine Miller (NH Division of Historical Resources),Chick Colony, Erin Hammerstedt, Don Page, Dona Page, Jackie Lyon, Allan Saari, Adam Kossayda, Don Scott, Cathy Sorenson

Public Hearing and Informational Meeting – NH Dam Bureau
Grace Levergood and Colin Clark from the NH Dam Bureau addressed the SB and attendees, and responded to questions, about the upcoming reconstruction work on the Chesham Pond dam. They were joined by Nadine Miller of the NH Division of Historical Resources. Ms. Levergood explained that work is anticipated to begin within the next month, with drawdown of 4 feet, which is the norm over winter. They hope to bring it back up as normal in the spring. Phase one of the work will involve repairing the crumbling wall and building a new wall upstream from the bank, with an anchor trench for overtopping protection. Phase two will involve replacement of the gate structure and investigation of the condition of the spillway, which they hope not to have to replace. The engineering design is for 2 ½ times a 100-year storm so the dam is not lost. Next winter, drawdown will again be 4 feet to build a coffer dam.

The bureau will work with the DOT for an excavation permit, and on traffic control and snow removal matters. They don’t foresee having to close a lane. There will be no dredging but there will be some tree cutting. A slope into the pond will remain. Ms. Levergood stated that the old train trestle will be kept, though it obstructs water flow. The bureau will contract with the state Division of Historical Resources before any work can begin. Some discussion followed regarding options for providing public information about the historic value of the dam and trestle, whether an interpretive sign would be available or a marker but the Dam Bureau relies on local communities about the best option for them. They left some examples. Historic Harrisville expressed preference for no physical marker at the site. Brief mention was made that information and photos related to the series of dams could be posted on a website or brochures made available. Ms. Miller requested that any ideas for mitigation be submitted to Ms. Levergood in writing.

Ms. Levergood confirmed that the repairs to the leak at Childs Bog, which will involve the installation of a rubber liner, will occur before work begins at Chesham Pond. Allan Saari expressed skepticism and frustration given missed deadlines on previous repair work. Other residents expressed concern about protecting the pond from boats and trailers carrying invasive species and requested a curb. The bureau explained that curbing is possible, but the new walkway, 1×1 foot concrete blocks cabled together and covered with gravel, can’t be any narrower than 6’ wide as it needs to stabilize the upstream basin.

Jay Jacobs asked if the bureau could keep in mind, for Chesham and future projects and even Silver Lake, the possibility of a dry hydrant for fire protection. All thanked the Dam Bureau and the DHR for their presentation and exhibits.

SB then proceeded with its regular meeting as follows.
Documents signed or reviewed:
SB approved Select Board Meeting Minutes of October 25, 2018.

SB signed financials in the amount of $7,490.57.

SB signed Rymes contract for 2018-2019 at the following amounts: $1.79 per gallon for propane, $2.78 for heating oil and $3.27 for mixed fuel.

SB signed correspondence from Eversource regarding installation and replacement of poles. Separately Jon Miner noted he has contacted Eversource about two non-working lights.

SB acknowledged receipt of NHDOT letter regarding approval of a school safety zone, approved by NHDOT with conditions on school and town related to planning and maintenance and acquisition of any necessary permits.

SB acknowledged receipt of Wetlands Permit for Doug and Terry Miller of 40 Westside Road (Map 73-Lot 11).

SB acknowledged receipt of shoreland permit application for Adam Drew (40-55).

Departments, Boards and Committees:
Assessing – SB signed updated current use form for Carla and Dale Richardson of Hancock Road and NH Route 137.

Cemetery – SB authorized the Transfer of Funds in the amount of $375 to the Cemetery Maintenance Account.

Code Enforcement Officer – SB noted signed building permits for Potter Family Trust of 54 Westside Road and extension for Shane Long of 184 Aldworth Manor Road.

Tax Collector – SB acknowledged receipt of note from Tax Collector regarding unpaid taxes and the prospective deeding of property.

Town Clerk – SB signed Oath of Office for Andrew Maneval for Alternate Member position on the ZBA for a 3-year term.

Trustees of the Trust Funds – SB authorized transfer of funds in the amount of $55,000 from Capital Reserve Funds Account per Warrant Article #6 of the March 14 and March 16, 2018 Town Meeting.

ZBA – SB acknowledged receipt of Meeting Minutes of October 24, 2018.

Other Business:
Allan Saari asked the SB why boulders were not put up at the Childs Bog boat ramp. SB noted it will ask the Road Agent about this.

Department of Labor – SB met on Tuesday, October 30 with Juan Herrera of the DOL regarding overtime payment for town employees. SB received information about DOL regulations for methods of payment. No fines were assessed but town owes overtime for back wages for three employees from 2016-2018 in the amount of roughly $6,100.  On October 31, SB met with DOL for an information hearing regarding abatement of fines from the DOL for wages and safety matters. The town received an abatement for both, with total assessed penalties of $200 for safety violations and $200 for wages and hours. Town was recognized for all corrections for past violations and estimates that approximately $1,600 was saved through negotiation efforts. Town has until November 29, 2018 to submit additional information from the Fire Department, including proof of citizenship and back payment for certain employees. Fire Department must be paid monthly, not annually, as had been the practice until 2018.

HHI – Kathy Scott raised the question of appointing a SB representative to the Historic Harrisville board and advocates such to keep the dialogue open. The majority of SB doesn’t agree and believes representation should not occur until after dialogue occurs between HHI’s Executive Committee and the SB.

Primex – SB acknowledged receipt of updated workmen’s comp policy. SB also noted that the Primex adjustor will come next week to assess rainstorm damage.

Snow removal at town buildings – Kathy Scott will talk to Angela about finding someone to help shovel at town buildings and will check on snow melt material. She also will talk to Randy Tarr, Jr. about mowing.

SB acknowledged receipt of Health Trust’s notification of guaranteed maximum rates for medical coverage for July 2019 through June 2020.

Town board membership – SB recommends that any residents interested in serving on town boards attend that particular board’s meetings first, prior to meeting with the SB about their interest, though SB noted all are welcome to discuss their interest with them.

Winter parking policy/ban – SB asks staff to please send winter parking policy to the Keene Sentinel. Mary Ann will post on the website.

Noticing of public meetings – SB confirmed the notification procedures require that public meetings be noticed in at least two public place and noted that the locations should remain consistent. While, legally, in the case of public hearings, the newspaper can be one of these locations, it has been and will continue to be the town’s practice to notice in the Keene Sentinelin addition to two locations in town (at the town offices and at the post office.

NHMA – SB noted Annual Meeting for November 14.

At 8:22 pm, SB moved to enter into non-public session per NH RSA 91-A:3,II(a) to discuss personnel matters.  All voted in favor.General discussion ensued about employee matters and personnel policies and procedures. At 9:25 pm, SB voted unanimously to exit executive session.