Town of Harrisville
Zoning Board of Adjustment
705 Chesham Road
Harrisville, NH 03450

You are hereby notified that the Town of Harrisville Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, October 24, 2018 at 6:00 pm at the Town Office located on 705 Chesham Road.

1-Robert Ludlow – 24 Westside Road (Map 73-Lot-5)
The ZBA will hear the application for a Variance under Article 20.1.4 of the Zoning Ordinance for removal of 331 square feet of deck and stairway/walkway on the house’s north side and construction of 77 square feet of new stairway /walkway on the south side to access the lakeside deck area.

The Board will take up any other business that may legally come before it.

Hal Grant, Chairman
posted: October 17, 2018