Meeting location: Town offices
Date: September 20, 2018
Members present: Jay Jacobs, Jon Miner, Kathy Scott
Meeting opened: 7:00 pm; Meeting adjourned: 9:20 pm
Members of the public: Don Scott, Andrea Hodson, Ryan Stone, Kathy Bollerud, Gus Lerandeau
Documents signed or reviewed:
SB approved Select Board Meeting Minutes for September 6, 2018.
Department of Labor – SB noted Physical Compliance Inspection Summary. SB will appeal fines of $500 for safety violations and $1,450 for payroll violations. Town has corrected matters related to citations.
SB noted letter from Attorney Silas Little confirming that Mr. Little will file a motion to appeal in support of the Tax Collector against Thomas Carroll.
Departments, Boards and Committees:
Assessing – SB signed 2018 MS-1; SB signed application for current use for Hillsboro Aggregates.
Code Enforcement Officer – SB reviewed approved building permit for John Stinchfield of 138 Silver Road.
Conservation Commission – SB acknowledged receipt of Meeting Minutes for September 5.
Highway Department – Road Agent discussed purchase of gravel from Dublin and SB approved of Road Agent’s decision to pursue. Regarding the purchase of salt for winter months, SB requests that Angela please put review and discussion of de-icing contract from Morton Salt for 2018-2019 on the agenda for next week.
Library Trustees – SB acknowledged receipt of Meeting Minutes for August 15, 2018.
Town Clerk – SB acknowledged receipt of letter from Town Clerk. No decision was made on idea of shortening poll hours. Matter will be discussed further with the Town Clerk and Moderator.
Other Business:
SB requests that Angela draft paperwork for Jeff Cady’s appointment to the position of Emergency Management Director.
Gus Lerandeau of All States Asphalt met with the SB regarding the Hancock Road rebuild. He offered the same price to the town for work to be done next year, including a section of the road in between that hasn’t been repaired. SB unanimously voted in favor to sign a contract for $4,750.00 to reclaim the section of Hancock Road damaged by the recent rainstorm.
Streetlight Committee – Ryan Stone presented a draft progress report and proposal to the SB highlighting the committee’s recent work with Eversource and Steve Zalimas of Leominster, MA to refurbish and re-illuminate twenty non-functioning radial wave lights. To date, 16 fixtures have been refurbished, 6 of which have been installed with 10 others available as backstock. The committee requested reimbursement of $3200.00 ($200 per restored fixture). The committee also believes a screw-in LED light, compatible with refurbished heads, could potentially become available within the next year. Its goal is to complete refurbishment of all fixtures throughout town. SB asked if Eversource was approached about funding the cost as it had consistently told the Town it would not maintain a non-LED system. The committee responded it believes this is a unique situation and that the time to approach them about cost sharing may be when a compatible LED bulb is available. In the meantime, Eversource is covering maintenance of sensors and wiring from the pole to the fixture. Committee estimates total cost to refurbish all units will be $12,000. SB applauded committee’s accomplishments but reminded committee of its fiscal responsibilities to all residents. Jay Jacobs moved to deny reimbursement based on Eversource’s misleading of the town, the extra cost to taxpayers of powering non-LED lights, and based on the fact that the committee’s work was outside the direction and purview of the SB. Jon Miner asked about Eversource’s willingness to commit to an EOL plan. Kathy Scott noted Eversource would sit down with SB to discuss. Subsequently,Kathy Scott moved that the SB approve the reimbursement request of the Streetlight Committee for $3,200.00 for restoration of the 16 Boston Wheeler fixtures by Steven Zalimas of Leominster, MA based on his Streetlight Restoration Proposal submitted to the SB. Jon Miner seconded. The vote was 2-1 in favor with Jay Jacobs opposed based on the above-stated reasons.
Jon Miner suggested that the Streetlight Committee put forward a warrant article to the town to cover reimbursement expenses. The Committee is committed to doing so and noted this matter, as well as cost and energy consumption comparisons, would be part of the Community Conversation on Monday, September 24.
Rymes – SB acknowledged receipt of 2018/19 pricing. SB requested that Angela solicit bids from Reds, Ciardelli and State of NH Oil.
October 2– Planning Board Special Meeting to discuss proposed zoning ordinance amendments from the Ordinance Revision Committee and the Cell/Broadband Committee.
November 6– General Election at town offices