Harrisville Conservation Commission


Wednesday, September 5, 2018, 7:00 PM Town Offices

  1. Agenda


  1. Minutes– review & approval (10 minutes­)


  1. Invasive Species – Japanese Knotweed Management
  2. What we’ve learned so far
  3. What else we’d like to know / who else we’d like to hear from
  4. Analysis of article shared by Winston Sims: “Concerns Over use of glyphosate-based herbicides and risks associated with exposures: a consensus statement” and whether it relates to the removal of roadside stands of knotweed


  1. Wetlands Setbacks – Request by Ordinance Revision Committee – HCC review and guidance (10 minutes
  2. Current Ordinance: 12.3.3. Special provisions:No septic tank or leach field may be located closer than one hundred (100) feet to any designated wetland.
  3. Review of other community ordinances and recommendations to ORC
  4. Other issues for ORC consideration: groundwater protection?


  1. Report on Lead Sinker Collection at Transfer Station – Wings of Dawn
  2. Lake host & ramp lead awareness efforts – request to Lake Host Point People


  1. Transfer Station Recycling Program changes
  2. Plastic #3 through #7 are no longer recyclable


  1. Reports on other town committees
  2. Selectboard
  3. Planning Board
  4. Ordinance Review Committee
  5. Zoning Board of Adjustment
  6. Historic District Committee


  1. Old Business:
  2. HCC Minutes – acceptable level of detail (clarification requested by Winston Sims)
  3. Community Conversations
    1. Community-wide Knotweed removal
    2. Easing Conservation Fund limitations
  • Watersheds
  1. Request to repopulate H’ville with Elm trees & chestnut trees
  2. Hazardous materials management


  1. Other business
  2. Save the date: NH ACC Conference on Sat., Nov 3rd