Meeting location: Town offices
Date: August 16, 2018
Members present: Jay Jacobs, Jon Miner, Kathy Scott
Meeting opened: 7:00 pm. Meeting adjourned: 9:00 pm
Members of the public: Laurel Boivin, Andrea Hodson, Don Scott, Barbara Watkins, Les LaMois
Documents signed or reviewed:
SB signed financials in the amount of $6,317.54 for the week of August 9 and $2,688.63 for August 16.
SB approved SB Meeting Minutes of August 2, 2018.
Departments, Boards and Committees:
Fire Department – SB discussed potential moisture issues in the building and stated that a moisture and air quality test would be conducted. Because of the interior condition of the old fire station, the equipment inside needs to be moved to either the old or new town barn. A new roof will be installed as soon as Mr. Halvonick’s schedule allows.
Health Officer – SB acknowledged receipt of water sample results for Harrisville Pond and Chesham Beach and noted that the Health Officer posted the appropriate notices.
Highway Department – On the matter of erosion damage on East Side Road from the last heavy down pour, the Road Agent will tend to it before winter. SB discussed the idea of property owners having to post a bond before undertaking extensive work where staging is conducted on the road, to ensure any needed repairs to the road are covered.
On the matter of improper parking near the Skatutakee Lake Boat ramp, SB confirmed that parking signs are in place to allow parking on one side of the road only and allowing the police department to enforce the regulations.
Regarding the letter from property owners on Kadakit Street complaining about parking on the grass across from the boat ramp, SB noted that this is private property and that no town regulations are being violated.
Historic District Commission – SB has reached out to Doug Walker to meet to discuss procedural matters and hopes to meet with him next week.
Ordinance Committee – SB acknowledged receipt of the Meeting Minutes of July 23.
Recycling Center – SB discussed maintenance issues and policy regarding residents who may need assistance. Separately, SB noted that MDS will no longer accept plastics #3 through #7 and requests that the Manager post signs requesting that residents dispose of these items with their trash. A notice will also be posted on the website.
Street Light Committee – Laurel Boivin from Eversource met with the SB to notify them that a one-man crew will be here next Wednesday and Thursday working on the non-functioning lights, assessing for either bulb, sensor or wiring malfunction, and repairing as possible. If any lights still do not work, Eversource will return to the SB to discuss next steps for those fixtures and to confirm the locations of the fixtures the SB wants refurbished. Wes Tarr will be on hand if needed to access any town inventory. SB confirmed that the functioning LED lights will remain in place for now. An invoice for replacement light bulbs will be submitted to Angela Hendrickson.
Town Clerk – Regarding the quote from A-1 Locksmith regarding electronic entry lock for the Town Clerk, SB would like to meet with the Town Clerk to discuss policies and procedures related to privacy.
Trustees of the Trust Fund – SB noted agenda for August 22, 2018.
Other Business:
Joint Loss Safety Review – Jon Miner will send draft to board members for review and approval at next week’s meeting.
SB acknowledged receipt of the following: NHPUC scheduling of mobility test in the Monadnock region; letter from Granite Apollo about solar projects with competitive prices; SWRPC Commission Highlights; and NHMA Legislative Bulletin and 2019-20 Policy Conference scheduled for September 14.
September 5th– Kathleen McNally of Cheshire Coalition will meet with the SB at 7:00 pm.
September 11th– Primary election at town offices.
November 6th– General election at town offices.