Meeting location: Town offices
Date: August 2, 2018
Members present: Jay Jacobs, Jon Miner, Kathy Scott
Meeting opened: 7:00 pm; Meeting adjourned: 9:20 pm
Members of the public: Leslie Downing, Kathy Bollerud, Don Scott
Documents signed or reviewed:
SB signed financials in the amount of $62,959.20.
SB approved SB Meeting Minutes of July 26, 2018 and Addendum to SB Meeting Minutes of July 26, 2018.
Departments, Boards and Committees:
Cemetery Trustees – Leslie Downing asked the board to post a standard burial fee of $80. She also noted that treatment of chinch bugs, which is best done in the fall, may exceed the usual budget and asked how to handle this. SB recommended Ms. Downing get an estimate. On the matter of the Catholic Cemetery and the oversight of maintenance by Divine Mercy Parish in Peterborough, all noted that maintenance by volunteers, as done in the past, may be the best solution. The SB asked Ms. Downing to please submit her requests in writing to the office.
Conservation Commission – SB acknowledged receipt of the agenda for August 15.
Fire Department – SB noted that no parking signs will be installed. Regarding the windows, Patrick Gagne will stop by to assess their condition and provide an estimated cost.
Highway Department – SB signed check for new truck. SB discussed options for selling the old equipment. Jon Miner will manage the advertising and sale.
Separately, SB recommended that Don Scott talk to the Road Agent about the Eastside Road resident’s concern about increased runoff and requested mitigation measures.
Historic Harrisville – SB acknowledged receipt of HHI’s newsletter.
Library Trustees – SB acknowledged receipt of the Meeting Minutes of July 18.
Ordinance Committee – SB acknowledged receipt of the Meeting Minutes of July 23.
Recycling Center – SB asked the Recording Secretary to post a notice on the website asking anyone interested in volunteering to acquire the necessary training. Separately, SB noted that the broken rail was repaired. SB continued its discussion of potential design improvements and cost savings and continued review of the manager job description.
SB reviewed the April 2018 monitoring results from Golder Associates.
Street Light Committee – Kathy Bollerud updated the board on the committee’s upcoming meeting with Eversource, scheduled for Friday, August 10, @ 8:00 am. The agenda includes discussion about restarting the 18 lights that are out, evaluating them for repair needs, and sharing with Eversource the sample bulbs and sensors that the committee has acquired. The committee also plans to discuss options for lights where the malfunction is not related to the bulb or the sensor. Ms. Bollerud noted that Eversource’s Operations Manager, Mike Lee, will attend, along with Steve Zalimas and Laurel Boivin. Group will meet at town barn with the Road Agent present to monitor access.
Town Clerk – SB approved the metal slotted lock box for the hallway for transferring documents. Regarding other items requested, board members would like to discuss these with the Town Clerk.
Trustees of the Trust Fund – SB acknowledged receipt of the investment rate and benefits.
Other Business:
Employees – SB discussed employee pay issue. No decision was made; SB will meet with employees as schedules allow.
Fibercast will be around town to collect any downed cable wires.
SB noted it received the Highway Block Grant for fiscal year 2019 in the amount of $60,362.71.
August 4th– Reevaluation Meetings conducted by M&N Assessing from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
August 6th– Reevaluation Meetings conducted by M&N Assessing from 10:30 am – 6:30 pm
August 7th– Reevaluation Meetings conducted by M&N Assessing from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
August 8th– Primex representative at the town offices at 11:00 am to walk through town buildings with SB. Departments have received paperwork to be returned no later than Monday.
August 14th-15th – Department of Labor inspection at 9:00 am.
September 11th– Primary election at town offices
November 6th– General election at town offices