Meeting location: Town offices
Date: June 28, 2018
Members present: Jay Jacobs, Chair; Jonathan Miner; Kathleen Scott
Meeting opened: 7:00 pm; Meeting adjourned: 9:05 pm
Members of the public: Alan Saari, Anne Cucchi, John Cucchi
Documents signed or reviewed:
SB approved SB meeting minutes of June 14, 2018.
Departments, Boards, and Committees:
Assessing—SB signed Gravel Tax Levy for David O’Neil (Map 10, Lot 31);–SB signed Yield Tax Levy for Broadvest Corp (Map 20, Lot 29-9); SB will let Angela know about a meeting time with M&N Assessing and Linda Cook regarding the Reevaluation of the Town.
Code Enforcement–SB acknowledged receipt of Notice of Acceptance of Shoreland Permit for Pegg Monahan and Harry Wolhandler for the property located on 26 Tuttle Lane (Map 51, Lot 42).
Conservation Commission – SB acknowledged receipt of Meeting Minutes for June 6, 2018.
Health Officer–SB acknowledged receipt of EAI Analytical Drinking Water Analysis Report for the Harrisville Spring noting absence of coliform and e-coli.
Historic District Commission–SB acknowledged receipt of Notice of Hearing for June 27thregarding Jason and Stephanie Raynor and property at 3 Main Street (Map 61, Lot 4), HDC Meeting Minutes for June 26, 2018, memo regarding the HDC and Land Use Board Procedures and Letter from Historic Harrisville requesting a Motion for Rehearing.
Old Home Days–Following receipt of the letter from Silas Little regarding vehicular traffic in area of Old Home Days activities, Kathy Scott moved to approve the letter sent to abutters on Canal Street and Island Street concerning road closure for Old Home Days. All voted in favor.
Planning Board –SB acknowledged receipt of Meeting Minutes for June 13, 2018.
Post Office–SB discussed correspondence regarding procedures for money orders for deposits and believe both sides may have been at fault.
Recycling Center– SB reviewedMDS comparison of January to June costs from 2017 to 2018. These are January through June 2017 ($9336.85) and 2018 ($17840.15). MDS reported that the containers going out are not full ton loads, resulting in year to date expenses of $8503.30 over the 2017 months. SB will discuss this further with the manager so that containers are only collected from MDS every two weeks. Separately, Kathy Scott will discuss with RC staff the addition of plexiglass or similar barrier at the glass disposal area. Schedule constraints pending, the Road Agent will see to the replacement of the belt on the glass crusher.
SAU #29 – SB notedDraw Down Schedule for 2018-2019.
Tax Collector– SB acknowledged receipt of the following: NHMARules and Policy Changes, overpayment refund request for Lionel and Winifred Sundstrom of 26 Venable Road (Map 30, Lot 13) and overpayment refund request for David Webb of 64 Venable Road (Map 30, Lot 20).
Trustees of the Trust Funds–SB acknowledged receipt of NH PDIP Statements.
Other Business:
United States Court of Federal Claims– SB noted Class Action Lawsuit regarding PILT.
Health Trust– SB noted updated Medical ID Table and information about health reimbursement fees.
Street lights – On behalf of the Street light committee, Kathy Scott requested that the SB allow a private resident to cover the cost of installing incandescent bulbs in two radial wave fixtures stored in the highway barn to replace two non-functioning lights. Eversource will let the town and committee know if this is allowed. SB agreed tothis provided there is no cost to the town.
Alan Saari attended to file complaints about the condition of the Catholic Cemetery, about someone parking on the road near the Skatutakee Lake Boat ramp and someone parking at the top of Seaver Road. SB suggested Mr. Saari contact the archdiocese regarding the cemetery and will look into other two matters.
John and Anne Cucchi attended to update the SB on their action regarding the Skatutakee Road Voluntary Merger application. In response to the Cucchis’ requested of the applicant to have attorneys for both sides meet, the applicant’s attorney requested that the town address the matter. SB stated that, until the SB is approached about the matter by the voluntary merger applicant or their attorney, no action will be taken and that the matter otherwise remains between the property owners The Voluntary Merger application remains with the Planning Board.
July 6th–Fireworks Display at 9:15pm with a rain date of July 8th
July 28th–Pond Association 10-12am
September 11th— Primary Elections at Town Office (Lunch & Dinner)
November 6th—General Elections at Town office (Lunch & Dinner)