MONDAY, JUNE 11, 2018

Members present: Doug Walker, Kathy Scott, Scott Oliver, Tom Weller, Noel Greiner

Members of the public/town officials: Jay Jacobs Selectman, Erin Hammerstedt, Don Scott, Jeff Trudelle

Meeting called to order at 7:04 pm.

Meeting Minutes of May 15, 2018

Following brief discussion, Noel Greiner moved to approve the minutes as written. Scott seconded. All voted in favor.

Executive Session – Allowable conditions for entering (under RSA 91-A:3)
Members reviewed and discussed the allowable conditions to enter executive (non-public) session, which include: specific circumstances related to personnel issues of a public employee; matters that would affect the reputation of a member of the public; consideration of the acquisition, sale or lease of real or rental property; consideration of lawsuits threatened in writing or filed against the public body or one of its members; and consideration of matters related to emergency functions related to thwarting terrorism. It was clarified that the drafting of motions is not a permitted condition under the regulations.

Resignation of John Evans
Doug Walker notified members of John Evans’s resignation. Jay Jacobs confirmed that Mr. Evans bears no formal procedural obligations related to his decision other than informing the board. Kathy Scott noted that, given Mr. Evans’s resignation after the first year of his three-year term, anyone appointed to fill his position would be appointed to complete this term. Currently, the commission retains adequate membership according to its regulations, which provide for anywhere from 3-7 members; however, it was noted that anyone interested in joining the HDC should contact the Select Board and that the board feels it would benefit from adding a resident of the historic district as a member.

Review of New HDC Application Form (as of June 11, 2018) adding line for agent if applicable.
Members reviewed the contents of the amended application form, amended to add a line for an agent. In addition, the HDC discussed the conditions required and the procedure for receiving, formally accepting and reviewing an application. The group agreed to table the discussion until its next meeting.

HDC requests regarding the ZBA’s decision of May 30, 2018 / General discussion of HDC application procedures
The HDC asked if the ZBA had supplied Mr. Raynor with a letter confirming its decision to uphold the appeal of the HDC decision of May 15, 2018 and details or conditions related to the decision. Neither Mr. Jacobs nor Mary Ann Noyer was aware that anything separate from the meeting minutes, which outlines the decision and next steps, was provided or if the attorney for Mr. Raynor had requested such a letter but would ask the ZBA Chair. Kathy Scott stated that it is a requirement of the regulations of all the boards to provide applicants with copies of decisions and that such a document would help the HDC with its obligations moving forward. Mr. Jacobs noted that the appeal upheld the decision of April 10, 2018, thereby returning the HDC and the Raynors to that point in the process. The question remained then where the HDC and the applicant stand on the design conditions outlined and agreed upon by the HDC and the applicant at the April 17 meeting and again included in the ZBA’s meeting minutes of May 30.

Kathy Scott asked if the HDC is bound by conditions not specified in the motion, if included in the minutes. Mr. Jacobs noted that the Select Board supported the ZBA’s position, as discussed with the Raynors, that they return to the HDC and that the Building Inspector will not issue a permit until detailed plans are submitted to them.  He added that the HDC should consider the 45-day requirement and when that clock starts and that it has the option of either sitting down with the Raynors and agreeing on ground rules for moving forward or letting the attorneys battle it out.  Noel Greiner encouraged the board to sit down with the applicants.

Mr. Walker stated that, from the HDC’s perspective, complete plans include elevations and footprint/floor plans with descriptions of door and window styles and dimensions. The board agreed that sitting down with the Raynors, and if possible the architect, as soon as possible to discuss the ground rules and application process was the desired next step.

The board reviewed general suggestions for application procedures and how this relates to the clock. All agreed more regularly scheduled meetings would help to facilitate communications and the process for both formal and informal meetings with applicants and potential applicants.

Next steps
The board agreed to approach the Raynors about an informal meeting with two members of the HDC prior to the next public hearing.

Meeting adjourned at 8:41 pm.