Meeting location: Town offices
Date: May 17, 2018
Members present: Jay Jacobs, Jonathan Miner, Kathy Scott
Meeting opened: 6:00 pm; Meeting adjourned: 9:00 pm
Members of the public: Laurel Boivin, Eversource, Don Scott, Kathy Bollerud, Barbara Watkins, Erin Hammerstedt, Andrea Hodson, Les LaMois, Shane Long, Seth Farmer, Ned Hulbert, Mary Day Mordecai, Lyda Stinchfield, Pat Colony, Chick Colony, Ryan Stone, Leslie Voiers, Scott Oliver, Deirdre Oliver, Sam Banyatsky, Susan Brown, Maria Coviello, Cathy Buffum, Allison Weber, Willard Jost, Carol Jost, Pegg Monahan, John Cucchi, Anne Cucchi
Documents signed and reviewed:
SB signed weekly cash disbursements in the amount of $2,571.91
SB signed SB Meeting Minutes of May 10, 2018. Resident Allan Saari, attending, objected to the minutes believing they omitted his comments about the advertising for bids by the town as well as his questions regarding consistency of enforcement of building permits for modifications to chimneys. SB noted his objections.
Departments, Boards and Committees:
Assessor– SB signed abatement for Abby Quigley and Jason Dragon.
Code Enforcement Officer – SB reviewed approved Building Permits for Suzanne Brouillette of 321 Chesham Road and Michael Kelley of 34 Lampman Road.
Highway Department – Road Agent stated he will attend to repairs to boat ramp on Harrisville Pond. Regarding Shane Long’s question about the addition of gravel to Aldworth Manor Road, SB stated the highway department is working on all the dirt roads.
Planning Board – SB acknowledged receipt of Meeting Minutes of May 9, 2018.
Recycling Center – SB discussed options for managing traffic flow and will continue to work with recycling center manager to maintain safe and efficient disposal of garbage and recyclables.
Transportation Committee – Mary Day Mordecai presented four topics before the committee. On the first item, installing a crosswalk at the General Store, Ms. Mordecai shared a proposed letter to the DOT. Jon Miner moved to accept the letter, Kathy Scott seconded and all voted in favor. On the second, establishment of a school safety zone at Wells Memorial, the group discussed ideas for helping reduce traffic speed in the vicinity of the school. Ms. Mordecai presented a draft letter to the DOT to come from the SB to initiate action. Kathy Scott moved to accept the letter as modified and to sign when the revised copy is received. Jon Miner seconded. All voted in favor. On the third matter, the intersection of Hancock Road and Route 137, ideas about enhancing safety were discussed with all agreeing the goal is to foster a meeting between the DOT, the Police Chief and the Road Agent. On the final item, the No Left Hand Turn at the General Store, the group also discussed possible ideas for improving compliance, including moving the existing sign to a more visible location.
ZBA – SB moved to appoint Pegg Monahan as Alternate to Zoning Board. All voted in favor. SB requests Oath of Office to be prepared for Ms. Monahan to sign.
Other Business:
Resident expressed complaint about visual barrier into property of Mike Wilder.
Resident expressed concern that there are too many committees in town.
Anne and John Cucchi attended to confirm that the SB maintains its position regarding the application before the Planning Board for the voluntary merger on Skatutakee Road. SB confirmed that its position has not changed.
SWRP meeting – SB members who will attend will contact Angela Hendrickson.
Street Light Project – Laurel Boivin of Eversource met with SB, meeting attendees and participants in street light committee. She reviewed Eversource’s programs, rate and tariff issues and installation and maintenance policies and procedures and how they’ve evolved through transitions from Outdoor Lighting through Energy efficient outdoor lighting and LED lighting. She explained what is currently available for municipal customers and responded to questions from members of the street light committee and the Select Board. She explained that Eversource no longer maintains an inventory of incandescent lights, only metal halide or high pressure sodium lights, both of which are being phased out in the transition to LEDs, and described the conditions under which Eversource allows 3rdparty vendors to install, maintain or remove equipment from its poles.
- Boivin further stated that, included in Harrisville’s current electric bill of approximately $9,000 are charges for 1/3 of the town’s lights which are no longer functioning. Municipal officials, she noted, can initiate the process to repair or remove fixtures.
On the matter of why the PEMCO fixture ultimately was not acceptable to the street light committee, Erin Hammerstedt will email the explanation to Ms. Boivin and the Eversource operations team. To a question about whether Eversource would replace incandescents if the municipality maintained its own backstock, Ms. Boivin responded she would take the question to operations. She also offered to facilitate discussions between the street light committee and Eversource’s topic experts on possible solutions to retain the historic fixtures.
Old Home Days – Cathy Buffum requested assistance from the SB to ensure residents and attendees do not attempt to drive along Canal Street during the event. The group also discussed trash removal and Barbara Watkins offered that Terry Watkins would take care of it. SB stated it would ask Randy Tarr, Jr. to mow the area in front of the library.
Railings along Canal Street – Ms. Buffum asked when they would be fixed. SB responded it was waiting for action from Historic Harrisville on the matter.
View tax – SB will review the report from the Assessor and respond to the residents’ request for relief. SB noted the Assessor is governed by the Department of Revenue Administration.
Common Threads – deadline is May 24 or 25. SB discussed its draft submission.
Community Kitchen – SB acknowledged receipt of thank you letter.
Legislative Bulletin – SB acknowledged receipt.
Upcoming Calendar:
May 28– Town Offices closed for Memorial Day
July 6– Fireworks display at 9:15 pm with a rain date of July 8
July 28– Pond Association meeting from 10-12
September 11– Primary Elections at Town Offices
November 6– General Elections at Town Offices