The Harrisville Planning Board met on Wednesday, May 2, 2018, for a site visit at the property of Hillsborough Aggregates, LLC, Route 137, May 10-Lot 6.

Meeting opened at 5:40 pm.

Members present: Ned Hulbert, Jonathan Miner Selectman, Ryan Stone, Noel Greiner, Pete Thayer Alternate

Members absent: Lisa Anderson, Courtney Cox, Craig Thompson

Members of the public: Kris Stewart, Lisa Stewart, Willard Jost, Carol Jost

Planning board members and abutters convened to walk the excavation site and review the reclamation plan prepared for Hillsborough Aggregates by Fieldstone Consultants. Mr. Stewart described the areas of the property which are part of the current 15-acre gravel pit operation, which holds grandfathered status under RSA 155(e), and how the excavated portions will be graded and reclaimed.

As required, Hillsborough Aggregates is filing for an Alteration of Terrain (AOT) permit with the state, which includes the reclamation plan reviewed by the PB. At the conclusion of the site visit, PB members agreed to email their suggested changes to the PB co-chairs, who will then forward those comments to Hillsborough Aggregates by the morning of Friday, May 4.

Meeting adjourned at 6:15 pm.