You are hereby notified that the Town of Harrisville Zoning Board Adjustment will hold a regularly scheduled public meeting on Wednesday, April 18, 2018 at 7:00 pm at the Town Office located at 705 Chesham Road.


  1. Jason and Stephanie Raynor – 3 Main Street Map-61 Lot-4 – Application for Special Exception as provided in Article V Sections 2.2 and 3.2. Proposal to modify, relocate and rehabilitate current structure, removing majority of non-conforming portion and creating an addition away from the non-conforming aspect to connect the main house with the barn. Property is located in Historic and Lakeside Districts.
  1. Kenneth Dyer – 24 Breck Lane Map-21 Lot-28-1 – Application for Special Exception from Article V Sections 3.2 and 4.2 to allow an existing building to be replaced with a new building with detached garage to be more conforming. Property is located in Lakeside District.
  1. New Business
  2. Approval of minutes

The Board will take up any other business that may legally come before it.

Hal Grant, Chairman