
Town Clerk Patty L Massey

603-827-5546×2 fax: 827-2917



11am Checklist:  __840____ voters               New voters   __3______

Total Ballots Cast:   ___259___                      Checklist at close:  _843_____voters


Election Tally    FINAL RESULTS ____8:55 pm

Selectman 3 year term: Kathy Scott – 172- declared elected

Ranae O’Neil – 86

Town Treasurer 1 year term: Anne Havill- 254- declared elected

Moderator 2 year term: Robert Bryan Kingsbury- 247- declared elected

Fire Chief 1 year term: Wayne Derosia Jr.- 213- declared elected

David O’Neil- 10

Trustee of Trust Funds 3 year term: Dean Ogelby- 253- declared elected

Board of Cemetery Trustees 3 year term: David Robins- 37- declared elected

Supervisor of the Checklist 6 year term: Catherine Buffum – 153 – declared elected



WARRANT RESULTS  March 14, 2018
Article 03: Land Conservation Capital Reserve Fund: FAILED
Article 04: Highway Vehicle: PASSED
Article 05: Hancock Road Rebuild: PASSED
Article 06: Capital Reserve Funds: PASSED
Article 07: Petition Regarding Street Lights: PASSED with ballot vote