Meeting location: Town offices
Date:  March 1, 2018
Members present: Jay Jacobs, Jon Miner, Andrew Maneval
Meeting opened: 7:00 pm. Meeting adjourned: 9:15 pm

Members of the public:
Mike Wilder, Kathy Scott, Don Scott

Documents signed and reviewed:
SB signed weekly financials in the amount of $28,898.11.

SB signed Select Board Meeting Minutes for February 22, 2018.

SB reviewed Town Warrant and payroll changes.

Selectman will review Golder Agreement and will discuss signing it next week.

SB signed Notice of Intent to Cut Wood or Timber for Shane Lampinen of Route 137 (Map 10-Lot 27-2).

SB reviewed and signed John Hancock’s Request for Administrative Correction from Participant’s Account.

Departments, Boards and Committees:
Assessing – SB noted the Median Ratio for land, building and housing is 99.5% and that the overall equalization assessment is 97.8%. Separately, based on input from the Tax Assessor, SB decided for the time being to defer signing off on the Terra Mapping Services Agreement.

Building Inspector – SB met with Mike Wilder of 668 Chesham Road to discuss the building permit application for work on his property.  SB reviewed the BP application submitted by Mr. Wilder and, upon review and discussion, approved the application.  Separately, SB noted approved Building Permit for Angela Buthker of 421 Chesham Road (Map-40 Lot-55-1)

Fire Department – SB discussed an accidental oversight in a payroll adjustment and will amend the Fire Chief’s salary to include a 2% COLA increase.

Library – SB notes that it is too late for it to alter the Town Budget, which is now on the Warrant. The SB was under the impression that it was accepting, at least in general terms, the recommendations made to it by the Library Trustees regarding its department budget. If the Trustees would like to speak to the Selectmen after the Town Meeting with respect to expense items which are, or potentially could be, manageable within the town budget as may be approved budget, the SB is willing to do so.

SB will review the wage and salary schedule next week when board has more time.

Planning Board – SB acknowledged receipt of the email from Ned Hulbert with feedback from area towns on land conservation funds.

ZBA – SB acknowledged receipt of Meeting Minutes of February 21, 2018.

Other Business:
Street Lights – SB met with Kathy Scott to discuss the petitioned Warrant Article which argues for rescinding the 2017 Warrant Article and retaining the existing light fixtures. The SB considered the research she presented and heard her reasons for supporting it. SB reiterated its position that retaining the existing lights is not a viable option, restated its focus on safety, cost savings and energy efficiency and noted the agreement it recently reached with Historic Harrisville to implement a compromise for completion of the project.  Further discussion and a vote on the matter will occur at Town Meeting.

NH.GOV – SB acknowledged receipt of the following: NH.GOV’s Letter to Municipalities regarding Veterans’ Sheltering Services and Legislative Bulletin #10 and SWRPC’s notice of its Winter Meeting for March 12, 2018.

Regarding the computer, the SB recalls approving the purchase of a new laptop computer and box for the public pursuant to Alexis’s recommendation.

March 13 – Town Meeting at Wells Memorial School
July 6-8 – Old Home Days
July 6 – Fireworks display at 9:15 pm with a rain date of July 8.
September 11 – Primary Elections at Town Offices
November 6 – General Elections at Town Offices