Meeting location: Town offices
Date: February 8, 2018
Members present: Jay Jacobs, Andrew Maneval, Jonathan Miner
Meeting opened: 7:00 pm. Meeting adjourned: 9:00 pm

Members of the public: Erin Hammerstedt

The Select Board met with Erin Hammerstedt of Historic Harrisville to discuss a proposal for completion of the Street Light Project.  Ms. Hammerstedt stated that the organization of Historic Harrisville recently reaffirmed its position that it is interested in finding a compromise. She also asked that the record state Historic Harrisville’s preference to repair and preserve the incandescent lights, as that is in line with the mission of the organization, recognizing that this would not be possible without the Select Board’s support. Mr. Maneval responded that, for several reasons, including Eversource’s position as well as the position of the SB that this would not be good for the town, this wasn’t possible despite the board’s appreciation of historic values.

Ms. Hammerstedt then proposed to replace all the existing lights with the Jamestown radial wave fixture with 13 watt/2700 kelvin bulbs, expressing the preference for continuity and consistency. Addressing the cost of this option and funding options outside of the town’s maximum contribution of $20,000 as approved through the 2017 warrant article, Historic Harrisville committed to help raise the difference, agreeing to the SB’s condition that the securing of supplemental funding could not delay project implementation.

Subsequently, the group also considered the option of a variation in wattage on fixtures within the village and those outside of town, with the SB reaffirming its position on the importance of the light quality and Historic Harrisville stating it would be flexible on wattage in the historic fixtures.

Jay Jacobs then moved that Selectman Miner, Selectman Maneval and Executive Director of Historic Harrisville, Erin Hammerstedt, draw up a contractual agreement and, upon drafting of that contract, a formal vote would be taken in a week or so. Andrew Maneval seconded. All voted in favor.

Documents signed or reviewed:
SB signed meeting minutes of February 1, 2018, including minutes of the budget hearing.

SB acknowledged receipt of a copy of the petitioned warrant article regarding street lights.

Departments, Boards and Committees:
Assessing – SB signed Property Tax Exemption for Scott and Marcia Caswell.

Emergency Management – SB noted that Greater Public Health Network will host a meeting in late February to update EMD on new rules and regulations, contact lists, and preparedness actions. SB has forwarded information to Emergency Management Director.

Planning Board – SB acknowledged receipt of PB Special Meeting Minutes of January 31, 2018. SB decided to send a letter to the PB in response to the action taken at its last meeting with respect to the Land Conservation Trust Fund Warrant Article.

Recycling Center – SB noted NRRA’s thank you for dues and notification of the upcoming workshop in May.

SAU #29 – SB noted rescheduling of the Public Hearing for February 14, 2018.

Tax Collector – SB discussed the applicability of any changes in compensation with respect to a calendar year basis versus an inception date of April 1st. SB recognized the now universal practice of effectual compensation as of April 1, which is a policy they will continue to utilize.

Trustees of the Trust Funds – SB acknowledged receipt of NH PDIP for February 2, 2018.

Other business:
SB acknowledged receipt of the following: Eversource Northern Pass Site Evaluation; Primex Thank You Letter for the town’s continued partnership; Keene Senior Center request for $2,000.00; NHMA Legislative Bulletin #7 and School Meeting Handbook for 2018-2019.

Upcoming Calendar:
February 14 – Special Meeting at 4:30 pm for the School Board
March 13 – Town Meeting at Wells Memorial (Dinner only)
July 6 – 8th – Old Home Day Weekend
July 6 – Fireworks Display at 9:15 pm with a rain date of July 8
September 11 – Primary Elections at Town Office (Lunch and Dinner)
November 6 – General Elections at Town Office (Lunch and Dinner)