Meeting location: Town offices
Date: February 1, 2018
Members present: Jay Jacobs, Andrew Maneval, Jonathan Miner
Meeting opened: 6:30 pm. Meeting adjourned: 9:20 pm

Members of the public and town officials: Fire Chief Wayne Derosia, Police Chief Buddy Driscoll, Noel Greiner, Sherry Sims, Winston Sims, Erin Hammerstedt, Susan Brown, Patty Massey, Shane Long, Randy Tarr, Phyllis Tarr, David O’Neil, Ranae O’Neil, Chick Colony, Anne Havill, Jeannie Eastman, Ned Hulbert, Barbara Watkins, Harry Wolhandler, Gus Lerandeau, Mike Wilder, Deborah Abbott, Cathy Scott, Don Scott
At 6:30 pm, the SB opened the Budget Hearing to present the proposed Warrant and Budget for 2018.  Jay Jacobs reviewed, department by department, the budgeted and actual numbers for 2017 as well as the proposed budget numbers for 2018. He noted that there was an overall proposed increase of about 4.8% for 2018 stemming from the fact that 2018 is an election year, as well as due to expenses from the property re-evaluation, retirement benefits expenses and an increase in healthcare costs.  The overall 2017 Budget was $1,233,600.00 while the proposed 2018 Budget was presented at $1,292,992, which may be adjusted downward approximately $8,000 to account for additional revenue from the sale of town equipment.

The SB addressed questions from residents, including questions about payroll expenses, the new Recycling Center system, the town website and proposed expenses for fire and road equipment. The SB also reviewed revenue and credit numbers and addressed questions from attendees about income from tipping fees and the proposed sale of equipment. During the discussion of the Recycling Center, the SB noted that residents with Harrisville stickers have access to the Keene Transfer Station to recycle hazardous materials on Wednesdays and Saturdays. SB also noted that attendants are always on hand if needed to assist residents with disposal of recyclables and garbage. SB also noted that the new system remains in a trial period with the potential for a 5-year contract to be considered in the fall of 2018.

Subsequent to presentation of the budget, the SB reviewed the 2018 Warrant which includes the following Articles:

Article 01: Election of Town Officers – To choose all Necessary Town Officers for the year ensuing.

Article 02: Operating Budget – To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,2____ for general municipal operations. This article does not include appropriations contained in a special or individual articles addressed separately.

[Recommended by the Selectboard. Majority vote required.]

Article 03: Land Conservation Capital Reserve Fund – To see if the Town will vote to discontinue the Land Conservation Capital Reserve Fund created in 2008. Said fund with accumulated interest to date of withdrawal are to be transferred to the municipality’s General Fund. [Recommended by the Harrisville Conservation Commission; Recommended by the Selectboard. Majority vote required.]

Article 04: Highway Vehicle – To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $58,328 to purchase and outfit a 2018 Ford F550 dump body to replace the existing highway vehicle, further to authorize the withdrawal of $58,328 taken from the Road Equipment Fund for that purpose. [Recommended by the Selectboard. Majority vote required.]

Article 05: Hancock Road Rebuilding – To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $175,000.00 to rebuild the section of Hancock Road from the Busy Brook Bridge (at Jaquith Road) to Route 137, said sum to be raised from general taxation, and added to the $50,369.83 amount from the NH SB 38  block grant appropriation. This will be a non-lapsing appropriation per RSA 32:7(VI) and will not lapse until the project is completed or December 31, 2019, whichever is sooner. [Recommended by the Selectboard. Majority vote required.]

Article 06: Capital Reserve Funds – To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $55,000 to be added to the Capital Reserve Funds previously established and to allocate the sum as follows: Road Equipment – $10,000; Fire Equipment – $10,000; Police Equipment – $5,000; Town Building – $10,000; Bridges – $10,000; Dams – $5,000; Revaluation – $5,000.  [Recommended by the Selectboard. Majority vote required.]

Article 07: Receive Report of Agents – To hear reports of agents, committees, and offices chosen and to pass any vote related thereto.

Discussion arose following the presentation of Article 03 on the proposed discontinuation of the Land Conservation Capital Reserve Fund, a proposed Warrant in 2017 that was voted down. Harry Wolhander, Co-Chairman of the Conservation Commission, explained that the commission voted to reintroduce the article in 2018 to return the funds to the town given the commission’s belief that it currently retains a reasonable level of funds for conservation purposes and that it feels confident the town would support any request for additional conservation funds above and beyond what the HCC currently has access to, at any time the need or opportunity should arise. Winston Sims, HCC Chair, spoke in opposition to his commission’s action, believing the HCC did not deliberate adequately on the matter. Anne Havill, Town Treasurer, stated the Land Conservation Capital Reserve Fund is a redundant fund and that the HCC already has access to funds to purchase land outright as well as access to a fund for conservation easements. Mr. Wolhandler reiterated that the HCC’s decision was based on what it feels is a reasonable level of funds for the HCC to retain.

Subsequent to presentation of the Warrant Articles, the budget hearing concluded and the SB continued with its regular meeting as follows:

Documents signed and reviewed:
SB signed Meeting Minutes of January 25, 2018.

SB noted Keene Senior Center request of funds for the year 2018.

SB signed Letter of Intent with All States Asphalt, Inc. for road work.

SB signed Elderly and Disable Tax Deferral for Arthur Hollenbeck.

Departments, Boards and Committees:
Assessor – SB signed letter to Cross Country Appraisal notifying them of town’s selection of another company for work in 2018.

Building Inspector – Mike Wilder met with the Select Board to request copies of Meeting Minutes as they are prepared. SB requests that Angela Hendrickson make sure Mr. Wilder gets printed copies of Conservation Commission, Planning Board and ZBA meeting minutes as soon as they are submitted.

Conservation Commission – SB acknowledged receipt of correspondence regarding Warrant and meeting minutes.

Fire Department – SB reviewed GIA Insurance for the Fire Department.

Highway Department – SB noted fuel usage numbers for 2017 and quote from Hillsboro Ford for a 2018 Ford F550 regular cab truck.

Harrisville Public Library – SB acknowledged receipt of meeting minutes for January 22, 2018.

Planning Board – SB noted Conditional Use Permit Application for ADUs drafted by the PB.

Town Clerk – SB acknowledged receipt of letter.

Trustees of the Trust Funds – SB acknowledged receipt of NH PDIP.

ZBA – SB acknowledged receipt of paper work from Attorney Tomas Hannah regarding Kenneth Dyer and the Special exception granted by the Board in 2013.

Other Business:
SB will draft a response to Anne Howe regarding her request for repavement of Mason Road.

SB noted correspondence regarding Map File Management Systems.

Upcoming Meetings:
February 7 – Special Meeting at 4:30 pm for the School Board
February 8 – HHI and HDC will meet with the Selectmen at 7:00 pm.
March 13 – Town Meeting at Wells Memorial (dinner only)
July 6-8 – Old Home Days. Fireworks display on July 6 at 9:15 pm with a rain due of July 8.
September 11 – Primary Elections at Town Offices (lunch and dinner)
November 6 – General Elections at Town Offices (lunch and dinner)