Meeting Minutes for Thursday, December 14, 2017
Agenda Topic: Site visit at 21 Canal Street
The Historic District Commission met for a site visit at the home of Brian and Bryanne Kingsbury at 21 Canal Street on Thursday, December 14, 2017, followed by a meeting at the Town Offices at 705 Chesham Road. The purpose was to review the site and site plans for a screen porch to replace the existing shed on the rear of the building and to allow for public response.
HDC Members present: Doug Walker, Scott Oliver, Tom Weller, John Evans and Noel Greiner
HDC Members absent: Jay Jacobs, Selectman
Members of the public present: Tom Tolman, Builder, and Brian Kingsbury, homeowner. No additional members of the public attended.
The meeting opened at 21 Canal Street at 5:00 pm.
HDC members heard from Mr. Tolman and Mr. Kingsbury, who outlined the proposal to construct a screen porch, while maintaining the existing footprint of the existing shed and maintaining the architectural continuity of the structure. During discussion of the windows, both existing and proposed, Mr. Kingsbury stated that any new windows would be in the six over six style, which is original to the house. The group agreed this style was appropriate.
The group subsequently moved to the town offices, where they reviewed drawings and photographs and asked further questions about the proposed design and use of the room. During discussion, Mr. Kingsbury stated that the front entrance would remain and that the pitch of the roof would be lessened slightly in order to maintain the existing height of the roof. Regarding the trim, Mr. Kingsbury noted that any molding work would attempt to match the existing molding. The group established that there are no Historic Harrisville covenants on the property.
A motion was made to create two new single pane glass sash window openings, as drawn on the submitted plans, and to replicate two six-over-six windows to match the existing sill, molding and lentil patterns. Noel Greiner seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor.
Following further discussion for floor work, proposed square screens, and a gable maintained in either shingled or clapboard style, Tom Weller made a motion to approve a screened porch addition with optional storm panels to replace the existing 12×14 shed addition, replaced within the last ten years, as submitted in the plans, with trim work in either wood or azac or similar material, and soffit and rake trim to match existing proportion and profile of house trim, and a roof that is either hipped or shed with material of asphalt, shingle or standing seam metal, and gabled siding of clapboard. Scott Oliver seconded. The board unanimously voted in favor.
In separate HDC business, Scott Oliver made a motion to approve the meeting minutes of November 15, 2017. John Evans seconded. All voted in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 6:20 pm.