Dear Friends,

Harrisville residents and friends are invited to supper and a Community Conversation from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. on Monday, August 21, 2017, at The Granite Mill.  

This conversation is on the topic of Water in the Public Trust. In 2012, Harrisville passed a warrant article stating:

“The residents of Harrisville declare that all of our water is held in the public trust as a common resource for the benefit of Harrisville residents and the natural water systems, such as wetlands, springs, streams, rivers, lakes, and aquifers”.
We want to know what that means to you today.

Goals for this meeting are:

  • Hear about the history of water in Harrisville from Chick Colony
  • Learn about the water resources in Harrisville and why they are important from Pierce Rigrod of NH Department of Environmental Services
  • Discuss quality and availability of water in Harrisville
  • Elicit community feedback

The goals above were generated by our Water Protection Study Group, which has met monthly since October 2016 – sponsored by the Planning Board.  

We begin with supper at 6:00 pm and request a donation of $5 for pizza, salad, and dessert. Please let us know if you plan to join us so we can be sure to have enough food! RSVP to Erin Langille (

Discussion will start at 6:30 pm. Babysitting will be provided – please contact us by August 19, Saturday, if you are bringing children who will need this service. Contact Sherry Sims at

We look forward to your feedback! Please contact Erin Langille at with any questions or suggestions.  

Hope to see you August 21!

Harrisville Water Protection Study Group
Ray Bollerud | Ned Hulbert | Mike Kelley | Erin Langille | Winston Sims | Peter Thayer | Harry Wolhandler |