Meeting location: Town offices
Date: July 13, 2017
Members present: Jay Jacobs; Andrew Maneval; Jonathan Miner
Meeting opened: 7:00 pm; Meeting adjourned: 9:05 pm

Documents signed and reviewed:

SB signed weekly financials in the amount of $5,777.07.

SB signed both copies of Selectmen Meeting Minutes for July 6, 2017.
SB signed both letters regarding the 613 NH Route 137 property (Map 10-Lot 6).
Building InspectorSB noted the following signed Building Permits: for Elizabeth Constable of 135 Rosemary Trail (Map-60 Lot-31); for Michael Kelley and Elise Kuder of 34 Lampman Road (Map-20 Lot-24); for Michael Falconbridge of 3 Church Street (Map-30 Lot-71).

Conservation Commission – SB noted email regarding the Lake Association and Survey.

Planning Board
– SB acknowledged receipt of Meeting Minutes for June 14 and June 20, 2017. SB noted email from Pamela Worden regarding the subdivision application of John Cucchi. SB approved the necessary extension of time for the subdivision application of the Cucchis.

Street Lights – Jon Miner will work with Eversource and a contractor to schedule light demonstration. SB requests that Angela Hendrickson post notice of the testing, and the location, as soon as the lights go up.

Town Clerk – SB approves the proposed Town Clerk change of hours and suggests soliciting responses on mail-in registrations.

Other Business:
Broadband Study – Andrew Maneval reported that the Broadband Committee is winding up its efforts to raise money for the broadband study. The Warrant Article passed in March directed the town to match up to 50% of the funds raised. The current amount raised is approximately $7,000 and it is expected that some more funding will be raised. The Town will match up to $7,000. SB will allocate and make available those funds once it has received final word from the committee,after which an RFP will be issued.

Employee Retirement Either Andrew Maneval or Jon Miner will seek additional information from Angela Hendrickson needed to draft up letter for Paychex, including what the allocations are for the $100,000, what the participations are for each employee and what level of contributions individual employees proposed.

NH.GOV – SB noted fall issue and highlights.