Meeting Location: Town Offices
Date: July 6, 2017
Members present: Jay Jacobs, Jonathan Miner, Andrew Maneval
Meeting opened: 7:00 pm; Meeting adjourned: 9:45 pm.

Documents signed and reviewed:

SB signed Weekly Financials in the amount of $16,240,21.

SB signed Selectmen Meeting Minutes for June 22, 2017.

SB noted NH DOT Permit 17-143 for the Pop Up Complete Streets Demonstration for Saturday, July 8, 2017 from 6:00 am to 4:00 pm.

SB signed SWRPC Certificate of Adoption for Hazard Mitigation Plan.

SB reviewed email from Swanzey Oil regarding Pre-Buy for the Town and the Pre-Buy Contract from Chabott Oil. SB requests Angela Hendrickson obtain one more quote from Rymes.

SB reviewed 2017 Fairpoint Pole and Conduit Data for Harrisville.

SB signed MS-535 and noted that no changes have been made.

Assessing – SB signed Intent to Excavate for Robert Ervin of 613 NH Route 137 (Map-10 Lot-5)

Building InspectorSB noted the following signed Building Permits: for Charles Sorenson of 365 Chesham Road (Map-40 Lot -129); for Richard and Kristen Hill of 169 Eastside Road (Map 71 Lot- 9), for Bruce Luchner and James Horwitz of 662 Route 137 (Map-10 Lot-14); for Veronica Turk of 173 Chesham Road (Map-40 Lot-40-1); and for Ellen Brouillette 321 Chesham Road (Map-40 Lot-113). SB requests that Angela Hendrickson endcheck with Mike Wilder on setbacks for Ellen Brouillette.

Library – SB acknowledged receipt of Meeting Minutes for June 21, 2017.

Planning Board – SB acknowledged receipt of Meeting Minutes for June 20, 2017. Additionally,
the Transportation Subcommittee of the PB met with the SB to follow up on the scheduled paving of the yellow line along Hancock and Bonds Corner Roads. Barbara Watkins, Mary Day Mordecai, Ned Hulbert and Heri Tryba reported on their meeting with Larry Keniston of the DOT, an engineer specializing in traffic calming measures, who recommended against the yellow line. The subcommittee plans to meet with residents along Hancock and Bonds Corner Roads and hopes to return to the SB in early September with its recommendations.  At the suggestion of the engineer, subcommittee members asked the SB to write immediately to the DOT, soon scheduled to pave Main Street, Chesham Road and Nelson Road, to request that the DOT paint white lines along either side of these roads at the time they paint the double yellow lines, creating 10-foot wide lanes for cars. SB authorized Andrew Maneval to draft the requested letter and agreed to postpone for this year the town’s painting of a yellow line along Hancock and Bonds Corner Roads.

Road Agent – Andrew Maneval moved to authorize the acquisition of a gravel crusher by the Road Agent. All voted in favor.

Safety Committee – SB noted Meeting Minutes for June 8, 2017 and suggests the fire extinguisher be properly installed.

Tax Collector – SB acknowledged notice of change in hours for July 4th and July 6th.

Town Clerk – SB reviewed proposed changes for the Town Clerk’s office and requests that Patty Massey check with the relevant state agency about whether, and how, additional charges for mail- in-registration renewals are permitted. SB favors the proposed changes.

Zoning Board – SB noted Meeting Minutes for June 21, 2017.
Other Business:
Employee Retirement – SB requests that Angela follow up with John Hancock and third party administrator on status of plan and whether it is now appropriate for the town to make its threshold contributions. If so, SB needs the proper authorization forms.

FCC Letter – SB requests that Angela Hendrickson forward the FCC letter to Wayne DeRosia and the Police Chief for action, copying both of them.

NHDES – SB noted receipt of Wetlands Permit for Dam project on Hancock Road

Silver Lake Boat Launch – The Road Agent will handle the matter of the needed post for regulations signs.

Health TrustSB requests Angela complete the form as appropriate.

Department of the Interior – SB noted the letter on the PILT Program.

NH Public Health Services – SB noted sample results from Russell Reservoir and Sunset Beaches.

NH.GOV – Regarding the notice of the preconstruction meeting, see meeting notes below on the Transportation Committee.

Primex – SB noted Property and Liability Annual Reporting Process and that it should be updated by July 19, 2017.

CSG East Region – SB acknowledged receipt of NH PID Investment Rate and Benefits.

Street Light Project – Doug Walker of the Historic District Commission and Erin Hammerstedt of Historic Harrisville updated the SB on their meeting with Eversource and the status of their research into street light options other than the cobra head LED lights. Given the Design Light Consortium guidelines that Eversource adheres to for acceptable fixtures, the decorative fixtures the HDC has been exploring, and the option of retrofitting existing fixtures, are not feasible at this point.  In addition, given the time the HDC and HHI need to pursue the possibility of the Jamestown fixture, the timeline previously submitted to the SB, including an RFP, is no longer practical. Mr. Walker and Ms. Hammerstedt will continue to pursue additional contacts within Eversource and possibly at the PUC to obtain an exception. Erin Hammerstedt noted that the Division of Historic Resources stated Historic Harrisville may be able to make the case for an exception but that the timing for such a process, and a meeting of representatives from the Division of Historic Resources, Eversource, the PUC and Historic Harrisville is indeterminable, though Ms. Hammerstedt would like to pursue the possiblity. She also stated she would like to pursue the possibility of having the desired Jamestown fixture, manufactured by PEMCo, accepted by the Design Light Consortium which has not rated that fixture.  Mr. Walker continued to recommend that the cobra head was not appropriate for the town’s historic district but could possibly be located outside that area of town.

In terms of scope of authority over the ultimate decision and in adhering to the Warrant Article, including its amendment, adopted at Town Meeting, the group agreed that all parties are going through the process of evaluating alternatives and are attempting to do so as quickly as possible.  The SB also reiterated its responsibility to address the issues of safety and fiduciary responsibility.

The group agreed that the test lights should be put up as soon as possible, followed by a public hearing. When the budget for the historic fixtures was cited as $67,000, far in excess of the $20,000 appropriated through the Warrant Article, Erin Hammerstedt stated she would approach the Historic Harrisville Board about its willingness to cover the difference and would report back to the SB on the response.

Russell Reservoir Beach – Patrick Gagne met with the SB regarding the possibility of removing dead trees on the beach and brush on his property along the dam abutment area. SB all voted in favor to authorize Mr. Gagne to remove both the dead trees and the brush. Addtionally, the SB requests Angela Hendrickson talk to the town employee about mowing along the Russell Reservoir Beach and also follow up on trash removal from the beach on the day it is removed from Sunset Beach.

Skatutakee Spring – George Lowrey of the Skatutakee Lake Association reported that the railing around the platform had fallen and that he had temporarily secured it and covered it with caution tape. He and other volunteers will construct a frame and new platform and begin repairs in the coming days. The SB thanked Mr. Lowrey and the group for their work and contributions to the town.


July 7-9 – Old Home Days