The Harrisville Planning Board held a regular meeting at the property of John J. Cucchi, Jr., Skatutakee Road (Map 30 Lot 32), on Thursday, June 8, 2017. The purpose was a site visit related to the two-lot subdivision application of the Cucchis, accepted at the Planning Board’s May 10, 2017 meeting.

Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm.

Members present: Sherry Sims, Ned Hulbert, Nick Colony, Andrew Maneval Selectman, Jonathan Miner Selectman Alternate, Peter Thayer, Ryan Stone Alternate, Noel Greiner

Members absent: Courtney Cox, Heri Tryba, Craig Thompson Alternate, Lisa Marie Anderson Alternate

Members of the public, applicants or applicant representatives, and town officials: Applicants Anne and John Cucchi, Conservation Commission Chairman Winston Sims, Conservation Commission Vice Chairman Harry Wolhandler

In accordance with the Planning Board Rules of Procedure and the scheduling at its May 10 meeting, the Planning Board met for a site visit on Thursday, June 8, 2017 concerning the two-lot subdivision application of John J. Cucchi, Jr., Skatutakee Road (Map 30 Lot 32).  Co-Chairman Ned Hulbert reminded everyone present that questions could be taken during the site visit, but that no discussions would take place.

Attendees walked the property, which borders Skatutakee Road on the north and Dublin Road on the South. Ned Hulbert, using a site plan as a reference and asking Mr. Cucchi as needed, oriented attendees to the locations of a proposed driveway cut, two septic fields, locations of previously conducted soil test pits and possible locations for homes on the proposed two lots. Mr and Mrs. Cucchi responded to questions related to the plan elements, boundary lines, distance to the Skatutakee spring and the feed to the spring, and improvements made on the property since purchasing it. Mr. Cucchi noted the steeper portion of the property, further away from Skatutakee Road, and how it would make building on that portion of the property less desirable. Mr. Cucchi also pointed out that one of the proposed lots would be in the Lakeside District and the other in the Agricultural / Residential District, and that any proposed septic design would be based on the location of future houses.

Meeting adjourned at 6:35 pm.