The Harrisville Planning Board held a work session at the town office building located on Chesham Road on Tuesday, June 20, 2017. The purpose of this meeting was a training session for new and current members.
Meeting called to order at 5:30 pm.
Members present: Ned Hulbert, Sherry Sims, Heri Tryba, Pete Thayer Alternate, Courtney Cox, Ryan Stone Alternate, Lisa Marie Anderson Alternate
Members absent: Andrew Maneval Selectman, Noel Greiner, Craig Thompson Alternate, Jonathan Miner Selectman Alternate
Training session
Ned Hulbert and Sherry Sims conducted a 90-minute orientation and training that included discussion of the Master Plan, and the vision and strategies for working Master Plan priorities. Sherry Sims reviewed the Master Plan’s history and purpose, and the role of the PB in developing and maintaining it. In addition, the group discussed the PB’s main tasks, including zoning, land use, ordinances, the Master Plan (including education and awareness), and annual organizational concerns. Heri Tryba recommended adding budgeting and also a review of warrant articles for Town Meeting.
Next, the PB reviewed the planning function of the PB, including further discussion of the Master Plan, specifically its sections on vision and land use, and the Capital Improvements Program (CIP). Emphasis was placed on both current and longer-term priorities and how the PB can facilitate implementation. Part of the discussion also included feedback from new members on their understanding of the Master Plan document and their expectations and hopes for furthering its goals. Several members expressed ideas about current and future demographics in town, the realities of demographics throughout New England, the challenges of meeting housing needs and the challenges of creating business opportunities. Two additional concerns related to increasing volunteerism and community activism and attracting younger members of the community to public service.
The next training session is scheduled for August 29 at 5:30 pm, when discussion will focus on review of the PB’s current Master plan priorities, including discussion of working groups, participation in them, and the management of them.
Meeting adjourned at 7:10 pm.