Location: Town offices
Date: May 4, 2017
Members present: Jay Jacobs; Andrew Maneval; Jonathan Miner
Meeting opened: 7:00 pm; Meeting adjourned: 9:25 pm
John and Anne Cucchi met with the SB to discuss the lawsuit against the town; he stated he will drop the lawsuit. John and Anne expressed concern for how their subdivision is being scrutinized and feel that they are being unfairly targeted with getting approval for their subdivision. They voiced concern that the HCC has overstepped its bounds and mishandled public information. Mr Maneval stated he feels the files being brought to HCC meeting okay, but that the files left the building is where the problem lies. There is a public file in the building at all times and it is available either with the selectmen’s office or the Town Clerk depending on open hours to the public. Winston (member of the public) stated he took the file home to review it for completeness acknowledging he should not have and that Sherry dropped it off Thursday morning.
John and Anne asked for reimbursement of property appraisal, subdivision fees and legal fees totaling $6600.00, with the reimbursement being deducted from the “current use” tax bill and then wanting the money to come from the HCC. Winston stated he was not in agreement to do so, but would bring it to the board for a vote. The meeting rapidly drifted off topic and touched on the past and the previous nights HCC meeting with exchanges occurring between Mr. Cucchi, Mr. Wolhandler and Mr. Sims, and Mr Maneval called the meeting back to order with civility is a basic level of respect and with that said does not give up any rights. SB took the Cucchi’s request under consideration.
Winston Simms requested a meeting with the board in executive session. It will be considered based on whether it met the merits for an executive session meeting.
Curtis Taylor came in to ask about how to go about fixing the deck on his parents cottage at 16 Dion Grove. We directed him to get an application, to see Angela and she could connect him with Mike Wilder, the building inspector to measure and advise.
Documents signed and reviewed:
SB signed the Weekly Cash Disbursement’s in the amount of $19,595.41
SB signed both copies of Selectmen Meeting Minutes for April 27, 2017
Hazard Mitigation – The board acknowledges receipt of the Approval Pending Adoption
Discuss Street Lighting (numbers) the board proposed approximately 54 lights noting some may come be put in a different place around town than where we currently have lights.
Assessing – The board acknowledges receipt of the 2016 Sales Assessment Weighted Mean Ratio
Building Inspector – SB noted Signed Driveway Permit for John Cucchi of 164 Skatutakee Road (Map-30 Lot-32).
– Mike Wilder would like to bring to the Selectmen’s attention that a resident on 60 Breed Road (Allan Heath) is in violation for a 3rd time on work being done on his property. Mike would like a fine issued and is also in the process of drafting up a letter. The board agrees to the fine, would like to see the letter prior to being sent out. Perhaps mike would like to come in to discuss further, board might consider further action since this is not the first time?
Conservation Commission – SB noted the Email from Winston regarding the HCC Meeting for Wednesday May 3, 2017.
SB noted the Proposed Version of the Harrisville Zoning Ordinances, correspondence from Winston to Andrew regarding Harrisville Zoning Ordinances and email from Winston regarding John Cucchi’s Property.
Town Clerk – SB signed the Lake Skatutakee Association Wetlands Application
Other Business:
NH.GOV – SB noted the 2017-2018 Applications for Certified Public Supervisor and Certified Public Manager Programs.
SWRPC – SB noted the Streets Implementation Workshop
Upcoming Meetings:
May 16th – Blood Borne Pathogens Annual Review at 7:00pm at the Fire Station
May 18th – Tim Carney and Grace Levergood will meet with the Selectmen to discuss the Dam Project.
May 29th – Memorial Day (Office Closed), Remembrance Day Service for Sunday May 28, 2017 at 11:00am at the Veteran’s Park.
July 3rd – Fireworks rain date July 10, 2017
July 7th – 9th – Old Home Days