Meeting location: Town Offices
Date: April 20, 2017
Members present: Jay Jacobs; Andrew Maneval; Jonathan Miner
Meeting opened: 7:00 pm; Meeting adjourned: 9:25 pm
Documents signed and reviewed:
SB signed Weekly Cash Disbursements in the amount of $3,433.91.
SB signed Selectmen Meeting Minutes for April 10th and 13th 2017.
Vachon Clukay & Company – SB noted MS-9 and MS-535 for year ending December 31, 2016 through April 13, 2017.
Andrew Maneval stated he is close to completing proposed revisions to the Town Zoning Ordinances.
SB noted Notice of Public Hearing for Thursday April 27, 2017 at 6:30 pm regarding proposed trimming on numerous roads by Eversource representative David Crane.
SB signed work order for repairs to the Lake Skatutakee Dam. Paperwork submitted by Bob Carter of The Turner Group Inc. Repairs to be done this summer, involving less than 1,000 square-foot range.
SB reviewed the three bids submitted to pave Hancock Road. Upon review and upon the recommendation of the Road Agent, Andrew Maneval moved to approve the paving job estimate of $129,690,000 provided by Mitchell Sand & Gravel, LLC. Jon Miner seconded. All voted in favor. SB asks Angela Hendrickson to mail the signed quote to Mitchell Sand & Gravel as soon as possible.
Fire Department – SB noted that The Harrisville Fire Department will host the annual review of the Blood Borne Pathogens Meeting on May 16, 2017 at 7:00pm.
Historic District Commission – Representatives of the HDC met with the SB to discuss LED streetlighting and the process for selecting the new fixtures. SB explained that the somewhat limited options are due to Eversource’s rules regarding the use of the poles and the otherwise steep cost for the town to install its own poles. The group discussed options for how and where the demonstration will occur. SB will contact the HDC to confirm demo schedule with Eversource. Subsequent to the trial, a decision will be made on which fixture is preferred and a public meeting will be scheduled to get input from residents about where the lights will be installed.
Planning Board – SB noted Special Meeting Minutes for April 19, 2017.
Recycling Center – SB noted list of needed items for the Recycling Center. Regarding the Safety Committee, SB requests that Angela Hendrickson inquire with Zack Byam or Dana Hennessy if one of them would join.
School Board – SB noted Agenda for Monday April 24, 2017.
Tax Collector – Jon Miner will work with Rennie Timm to finalize job description for the Deputy Tax Collector; SB noted email from Rennie Timm; SB signed Oath of Office and Agreement for Rennie Timm.
ZBA – SB noted Meeting Minutes for April 19, 2017.
Other Business:
Noel Greiner addressed the SB, thanking them for their good work. He cited a recent article in the Keene Sentinel which profiled all the towns in Cheshire County and noted that Harrisville has the lowest tax rate.
Tom Tolman met with SB to discuss repairs to the guardrails around the canal. Andrew Maneval asked Mr. Tolman if, with suitable protections, he would undertake the work and Mr. Tolman responded he would and could, as long as he is covered, and that he may have to involve a masonry contractor. SB will meet at the site with Mr. Tolman next week.
Town Website – Charles Michal asked the SB about the current status of the website and noted some differences between the old and current versions. Jonathan Miner stated that Alexis and Gwen Ames have been working on it and that functionality and server questions can be addressed to them. SB asks Angela Hendrickson to contact Deborah Abbott about attending an upcoming SB meeting to discuss Common Threads and the town website.
Cemetary Fence – Charles Michal asked about status of the cemetery fence repairs. SB noted that Leslie Downing is the contact.
Tax Maps – SB requests that Angela Hendrickson speak with Lynn Cook about obtaining digital copies of tax maps from Avatar and, if there’s any problem or delay, they should speak with SB. File type is called a “shape” file (.SHP).
SB approved Fund Balance Policy.
NH.GOV – SB noted OEP Planning and Zoning Conference for April 29, 2017.
NHDES – SB noted 2017 Solid Waste Operator Training Workshop Calendar. Regarding the Emergency Action Plan for Child’s Bog Dam, Andrew Maneval as Emergency Management Director, acknowledged receipt.
Primex – SB acknowledged receipt of member contribution summary with respect to Property and Liability Renewal for 2017/2018.
Eversource – SB noted receipt of Statewide Aerial Inspections of the 115kv transmission system for Monday April 17 through Saturday April 22, 2017.
SB noted 2017 NHDES Source Water Protection Conference Invitation.
SB approved an Event Permit form for larger group gatherings. SB will discuss with Police and Fire Chiefs and Building Inspector.
SB approved a new Employee Evaluation Form in two sections, one for self evaluation and one for completion by the employee’s supervisor. SB will schedule evaluations in due course with employees.
Upcoming Meetings:
April 27th – Public Hearing at 6:30pm for trimming on various roads (David Crane FROM Eversource)
May 16th – Blood Borne Pathogens Annual Review at 7:00pm at the Fire Station
May 18th – Tim Carney and Grace Levergood will meet with the Selectmen to discuss the Dam Project.
May 29th – Memorial Day (Office Closed)