The Harrisville Planning Board held its regular monthly meeting at the town office building located on Chesham Road on Wednesday, April 12, 2017.
Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm.
Members present: Sherry Sims, Ned Hulbert, Heri Tryba, Andrew Maneval Selectman, Jonathan Miner Selectman Alternate, Peter Thayer, Craig Thompson Alternate, Ryan Stone Alternate, Courtney Cox, Noel Greiner
Members absent: Nick Colony, Lisa Marie Anderson Alternate
Members of the public: Winston Sims, John Newcombe, Sam DeMasi
Attendance and voting members
The voting members present were Ned Hulbert, Sherry Sims (except in matters related to Mr. Cucchi), Andrew Maneval, Heri Tryba, Courtney Cox, and Pete Thayer
Minutes of previous meeting 3/8/17
Andrew Maneval moved to approve. All voted in favor.
Noel Greiner asked the board to recognize Bob Sturgis, recently deceased, for his service to the town as a past member of the PB, the Zoning Board and the Conservation Commission and for his involvement with the Volunteer Lake Association Program (VLAP). The board thanked Noel and Ned Hulbert stated the PB would send a note to his wife. Sherry Sims said, after the meeting, that she had already done this.
Election of Officers
Co-Chairs Sherry Sims and Ned Hulbert proposed that they remain as Co-Chairs for one more year and proposed Pete Thayer as Board Secretary. Noel Greiner made a motion to accept. Andrew Maneval seconded. All voted in favor.
Seaver Silver Lake Farm Trust (Map 70, Lot 3)
The PB reviewed the conditions required in December 2016 for approval of the 3-lot subdivision. These conditions concerned the resolution of the precise location of a small lot, owned by Phil and Kathy Miner, that is within the larger parcel, Map 70, lot 3. A mylar survey was provided by John Newcombe delineating specific boundary lines. Mr. Newcombe also furnished a copy of the confirmatory easement agreement, signed and recorded, which, according to Ms. Sims, satisfied the conditions. Andrew Maneval moved that the PB was satisfied that conditions of subdivision approval had been met. Pete Thayer seconded. The vote was 5-0 in favor.
Review of Town Meeting
The PB briefly discussed the warrant articles related to PB concerns. Heri Tryba asked how, and if, individual board members are expected to express their own positions publicly if these positions differ from PB decisions. Several members spoke and the consensus was that individuals should feel free to state their positions but to be clear that they are doing so as private citizens, and they should state clearly the position of, and any action taken by, the PB on the matter.
Update on the Cucchi application
Ned Hulbert reported that, according to the town attorney, as long as all information is provided, the PB theoretically could accept the application. Mr. Hulbert will meet with the Cucchis on Monday, April 17.
Andrew Maneval updated the board on the broadband committee’s consideration of grant opportunities, grant money and options for an RFP. The committee is looking to set a target date for completion of fundraising, after which the amount raised, according to the warrant article, would determine the amount that the town will contribute. Sherry Sims asked if overlapping with Dublin was possible. Andrew Maneval replied that he had reached out to them but hasn’t heard back. Mr. Maneval also said the target date for raising the matching money would be end of May.
Complete Streets
Heri Tryba stated that Southwest Regional Planning is nearing completion of its draft policy statement. The town will receive 8 bicycle racks, free of charge, and discussion of placement for the racks is ongoing. They will exhibit at Old Home Day and have asked Historic Harrisville to include an informational session at its fall meeting about integrating Complete Streets concepts within the village. SWRP is sending invitations to town officials for an event Friday, May 19, in Jaffrey for road agents and planning and zoning representatives from all towns in Cheshire County working on Complete Streets to share the different ways towns are applying the concepts. A national representative from Complete Streets will attend. Sherry Sims and Heri Tryba clarified that the “policy” document is intended more as a guideline and not as a mandate, with the hope that towns will adopt recommendations as part of the planning process. It will go to the PB first for consideration, then the community and then the Select Board. Ned Hulbert noted that the role of the PB is to educate and inform people about ideas and options for making the village safer and more attractive, inviting input from the community before taking action.
Aquifer Protection Ordinance
Pete Thayer reported that the group continues to consider whether, and how, current ordinances are adequate or inadequate regarding aquifer protection. One more meeting will occur after which the group hopes to finalize its recommendations for discussion at the May PB meeting, followed by a Community Conversations event in August to attract summer lake people. Winston Sims offered that Chesterfield and Richmond have worked on the issue and the Aquifer Protection committee is assessing these ordinances for relevance for Harrisville.
Regional Cooperation
Ned Hulbert discussed the effort to improve communication with the school board and the potential meeting next week with the new School Board Chair. Andrew Maneval noted the regional concern regarding adequate fire, ambulance and rescue services, decrease in volunteerism, and potential changes underway that could affect Harrisville. Noel Greiner asked if they had talked to Peterborough about collaborating given proximity and Mr. Maneval stated he would raise the question with the group. Mr. Maneval also supported a needed analytical approach to services and expense management involving additional perspectives from outside emergency services professionals.
Responses from website poll and next steps Sherry Sims provided a summary of the feedback received from the PB’s survey regarding the community’s wishes for the town website. Ms. Sims stated the consensus is that the community wants a more updated website and one that is professionally managed. She noted that the SB is moving forward with this with the goal of adding the community calendar soon and adapting it to serve as a more effective communications tool, as well as providing current information from Town Boards.
Zoning Ordinances
Andrew Maneval stated he expects he will have his recommendations for a redraft complete by the end of May or sooner. Regarding Anne Howe’s suggestion for a new zoning map, Sherry Sims spoke to Henry Underwood, SWRP’s Information Technology representative, about options for electronic and hard copy versions that could be available at town offices and included as part of the zoning ordinances and on the website. Mr. Underwood estimated the fee would be roughly $200 to prepare the map, that it would reflect back to the tax map and that any subdivision or property mergers would necessitate future modifications. Andrew Maneval and Jonathan Miner supported the idea and stated the SB will discuss it further when it meets. Mr. Maneval asked about the possibility of having a set of three 8 ½ x 11 maps that together would show the entire town’s zoning districts in detail. This could help solve the perennial problem of showing the long, horizontal outlines of Harrisville in a small format. Mrs. Sims said she’d follow up with Mr. Underwood for the estimate on this version.
Community Conversations
The PB discussed options and agenda for the next Community Conversations. The consensus was to focus on one topic per meeting, with Complete Streets selected for Monday, June, 5, at 6:00 pm at Wells Memorial School if available.
Master Plan Committee
Ned Hulbert reviewed the mission of the committee which, to date, has included Heri Tryba, Andrew Maneval, himself and Sherry Sims. Mr. Hulbert noted that it is responsible to see that action is taken for all aspects of the land use application process, master plan development, community education, involvement and input on long-term town priorities and master plan projects. Also, board developments (including organization and assessment, succession and training and coaching for various PB roles and relationships with other town boards); and for bringing related issues to PB for discussion / consideration. Mr. Hulbert laid out the following timeline and tentative plan:
Now thru summer
- Conduct at least 2 PB orientation and discussion sessions that focus on master plan study, key master plan priorities and town’s strategic context, work/study group orientation and expectations
- One PB site visit and study session
- One Community Conversation (June)
- Continued work of ongoing work/study groups already in action
Late Summer-fall
- Start new work groups (e.g. ordinance reorganization, housing, walkability)
- Determine successors for co-chair roles apprenticing thru April 2018
- Heri Tryba leaves PB after December meeting/new PB member begins by December meeting
2018 – through April
- Sherry Sims leaves PB – new co-chair starts
- Ned Hulbert leaves co-chair role and becomes PB member
Historic Harrisville Incorporators meeting on 4/22/17
The group discussed who from the PB might speak and which topics it should address, with agreement that broadband and complete streets should be the focus.
Street Lights
Andrew Maneval updated the group about the upcoming scheduling to test 2 different lights in front of the General Store. He stated that the date is not yet set but that notice would be given as to when and that it would involve input from the Historic District Commission. Following the decision about which type of light is most appropriate, a public meeting will be held to discuss the location and number of lights to be installed throughout the town.
Meeting adjourned at 9:15 pm.