Meeting location: Town offices
Date: February 23, 2017
Members present: Jay Jacobs; Jonathan Miner. Members absent: Andrew Maneval
Meeting opened: 7:00 pm; Meeting adjourned: 8:30 pm
Documents signed and reviewed:
Weekly Financials in the amount of 129,917.22.
SB signed both copies of the Selectmen Meeting Minutes for February 16, 2017.
SB reviewed revised Warrant and Budget for 2017. For the Town Report, the SB stated that John Colony suggested adding a credit to HHI (Historic Harrisville, Inc.) for the cover photo and adding a caption underneath identifying the building as the Harrisville Depot. The SB stated for Angela Hendrickson not to worry about the change in order that Jay Jacobs had originally suggested.
SB completed the paperwork for the sale of the old fire truck to Sean Laine and stated that the check can be cashed.
SB noted the message from Rick Skarinka, Manager of Engineering Services for the State Drinking Water, and determined no action was necessary at this time.
Assessing – SB signed Elderly and Disabled Tax Deferral Application for Arthur Hollenbeck of 36 Venable Road (Map-30 Lot-14).
Conservation Commission – SB noted the email from Andrea Polizos regarding the HCC Special Meeting Minutes.
School Board – SB noted the Agenda for February 27, 2017.
Other Business:
John Colony met with the Selectmen to discuss the program and proceedings for Town Meeting on March 14.
Eversource – SB noted Electrical Hazards Training Session for April 28, 2017 at 8:00am.
Lexis Nexis – SB noted NH Revised Statutes Annotated.
Department of Homeland Security – SB acknowledged receipt of the invitation to attend the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s upcoming meeting on Risk Mapping.
March 4th – Supervisors of the Checklist
March 13th – The booths and Election items need to be at the school prior to 6:00pm. Food will be placed in the Teacher’s lounge.
March 14th – Polls Open 11:00am to 8:00pm
March 14th – Town Meeting starts at 7:00pm at Wells Memorial School
March 15TH – ZBA Meeting
March 27th – 29th – Audit