Meeting location: Town Offices
Date: December 22, 2016
Present: Jay Jacobs; Andrew Maneval; Jonathan Miner
Meeting opened: 6:00 pm; Meeting adjourned: 8:30 pm

Documents signed and reviewed:

Selectboard signed Weekly Financials in the amount of $6,424.93.

Selectboard signed 2 Copies of the Selectmen Meeting Minutes for December 15, 2016.

SB reviewed and signed 2017 Paid Holidays.

SB received notice from SAU 29 that the Harrisville School Board Public Hearing on its budget will take place on Wednesday, February 8, 2017 at 4:00 pm at the Wells Memorial School.

SB asks Angela Hendrickson to provide an update on where Eversource stands with the follow up information on the streetlights.

Building Inspector – SB noted the approved Building Permit for Drew Landry of 88 Meadow Road (Map-40 Lot-86).

Fire Department – Wayne Derosia met with the Selectmen to discuss his department’s budget. The SB approved a Fire Department budget of $97,000 which will be presented at the Budget Hearing.
Planning Board – SB noted Draft Meeting Minutes for December 14, 2016 and the resignation letter from Ann Havill.
Heri Tryba, Ned Hulbert and Sherry Sims met with the Selectmen to discuss the Capital Improvement Plan and the PB’s hope to gain support from the SB for three items: the town website, including upgrading and management; Walkability, including connecting areas of the village with crosswalks and paths, improving trails and safe pedestrian and bike travel to Wells Memorial School and points outside the village; and Broadband, including funding for a design study to assess ways to improve internet capability for current and future businesses within the town, which they see as an economic necessity. The SB noted the need for more data to support the demand for, interest in and means of funding the projects. The PB noted the SB’s requests and stated their continued work on the initiatives and continued hope to keep the conversation going with the SB. The PB members also noted their hope that Historic Harrisville will remain interested and involved.
Ned Hulbert stated that they hope to have Brian Foucher at the PB’s Special Meeting on January 5 at 5:00 to discuss the three initiatives and they hope the SB members can attend. If not, the PB invites the SB’s questions. The PB also noted that the next Community Conversation will be held January 17, 2017 at which time they hope to gather additional information from the public for the SB.

Zoning Board – SB noted the approved Meeting Minutes for November 16, 2016 and the Draft Meeting Minutes for December 21, 2016.

Other Business:

SB acknowledged receipt of a Happy Holidays Letter from Ann & Tom Havill.

SB acknowledged receipt of information that Consolidated Communications, a telecommunication provider, signed an agreement to acquire Fairpoint Communications.

Leslie Downing met with the SB to discuss repairs to the cemetery fence and how they will be paid. The estimate submitted, including installation, is for $8,500. SB will ask Trustees of the Trust Funds whether the town needs a warrant for the Cemetary Trust Fund or if this is a Capital Reserve Fund.

December 25th– Christmas Day
December 26th – Office Closed