The Town of Harrisville Zoning Board Adjustment held a Public Meeting on December 21, 2016 @ the Town Office located on 705 Chesham Road.
Members present: Sue Brown, Jonathan Miner, Chairman Hal Grant, Charles Sorenson, Jeff Trudelle, Rex Baker (alternate)
Members absent: Curtis Taylor (alternate)
Members of the public: Selectman Andrew Maneval, Winston Sims, Aidas Kupcinskas
Meeting called to order at 7:05 pm.
Motion to approve minutes made by Jeff Trudelle. Seconded by Charles Sorenson. All voted in favor. Approved and signed by Hal Grant.
Application by Aidas & Gita Kupcinskas at 429 Chesham Road (Map 40, Lot 54). Applicant seeks a Variance from Article 15, Section 13.2 for a proposed 8’ x 19’ deck to be placed on the lakeside of the home and to connect with the existing deck on the west side. Charles Sorenson briefly described the challenges and requirements of proving the need for a Variance under the statutory criteria of the Zoning Ordinances. As the applicant’s attorney was not in attendance, the applicant requested that his application be tabled until the next ZBA meeting when he could more fully present his case with his attorney present. A motion was made by Charles Sorenson to table the application until the board’s January 18, 2017 meeting. Jonathan Miner seconded. All voted in favor.
As the board had no other business before it, at 7:45 pm, Charles Sorenson moved to adjourn. All voted in favor.