Meeting Location: Town Offices
Date: September 29, 2016
Meeting Opened: 7:00 pm; Meeting Adjourned: 8:15 pm
Present: Jay Jacobs, Chair; Andrew Maneval; Jonathan Miner

Documents signed and reviewed:

Weekly Financials. Select Board signed checks.

The Selectmen made one correction and signed the SB minutes for 9-22-16.

With respect to the DES Model Lawn Watering Restrictions, SB noted receipt and asked Angela Hendrickson to post.

Regarding Aldworth Manor Road Agreement Fully Executed, the SB reviewed the deed transfer signed by Shane Long and is fine with the document but the Select Board’s request still stands from the September 22 meeting for Shane Long to speak with his attorney pertaining to a document that permits the waiver agreement to be applied to the properties by way of endorsement to the deeds.

The SB re-signed the deed for Cheshire Fire Garage.

Other Business:

Eversource – NH Saves Building Envelope Workshop for Thursday October 6, 2016. SB noted.

Municipal Tree Workers Workshop on October 27, 2016. SB noted.

Andrew Maneval motioned pursuant to section RSA 91-A:3(II)(c) to enter Executive Session. Jon Miner seconded. All voted in favor. Selectmen discussed a revised agreement concerning a taxpayer and asked the tax collector to revise an agreement to be resubmitted to the SB in two weeks.

The SB signed deed waivers for the tax collector.

7:30 pm. Andrew Maneval moved that SB exit Executive Session. All voted in favor.

 Jamie Jayde, property owner at 642 Hancock Road, requested permission of the SB to use a camper in a residential zone during construction. Under section 4.1.16, Andrew Maneval moved to approve the request subject to reappearance before the board after 90 days and provided adequate provisions are made for sewage disposal and water supply. Jon Miner seconded. All voted in favor.

Regarding the request of the property owner at 149 Aldworth Manor Road for the town to allow an additional address, the SB reversed its earlier decision and moved to approve the request to allow an additional 911 number. The SB asked the resident to convey the proposed style of numbering (e.g., 149 and 149A Aldworth Manor Road) to the Police Chief. All voted in favor.

Upcoming Meetings:

November 8th – Election Day
November 11th – Veteran’s Day (Office Closed)