Meeting Location: Town Offices

Meeting Opened: 7:00 p.m.
Meeting Adjourned: 8:35 p.m.

Jay Jacobs, Chair: Present
Andrew Maneval: Present
Jonathan Miner: Present

Documents signed and reviewed

Weekly financials were signed and reviewed by the Select Board.

The Selectmen signed the NH DOT Roads and Highway updates.

Department Items

Assessing: Selectmen signed the Land Use Change Tax for SRH Farm Food LLC

Conservation Commission: Reviewed proposed Agenda for June 1, 2016

Department Heads: Suggested dates for the upcoming Department Meeting are July 18th or July 25th. Angela will check with Department Heads to set the date.

Highway Department: The bays at the old Highway Garage are almost cleaned out, but there is more to be done upstairs. The Selectmen will visit the garage to assist with the remaining items that need to be cleaned out.

  • Road Agent, Wes Tarr inquired as to whether or not the Board has received a contract from All State for the purchasing of Chloride. It has not been received at this time.

Safety Meeting: The Selectmen reviewed the Safety Minutes for inspections done on June 2, 2016

Tax Collector: The Board of Selectmen signed six refund checks for residents that overpaid their taxes.

Town Clerk: Selectmen signed the Oath of Office for Maria Coviello to serve a 1 year term as a member of the Old Home Day Committee.

  • Wetlands Application for the Harrisville Pond/Town Beach was signed by the Board of Selectmen.

Other Business

Silver Direct: The “For Sale by Bid” signs for the Fire Garage and 119 Main Street properties will be placed in front of the buildings next week.

The 2 chairs that sit outside the Town Office need to be repaired. The Board feels that to pay for the repairs of the chairs is not in the best interest unless an individual is interested in taking on the project. A suggestion of replacing the chairs with Adirondack chairs was mentioned.

Ed Goodrich did some research on Hancock Road regarding Map 10, Lot 46. The Harris Center is interested in purchasing this property. The Selectmen will hold off on any discussions regarding this property until Mr. Goodrich provides his report.

Upcoming Meetings

June 8th: Fairpoint will be at the Highway Garage to set up the Mutual Aid line

June 30th: Land Use Board Meeting at 7:00pm followed by the Selectmen’s regular meeting.

July 1st – 3rd: Old Home Day weekend!!

July 3rd: Fireworks

July 4th: Independence Day (Office Closed)

July 30th: Pond Association 10:00am

September 5th: Labor Day (Office Closed)