Meeting Location: Town Offices

Meeting Opened: 7:20 p.m.                     Meeting Adjourned: 9:10 p.m.

Jay Jacobs, Chair                                         Present

Andrew Maneval                                        Present

Jonathan Miner                                          Present

Documents signed and reviewed:

The Selectboard reviewed financials for the week ending May 7th, 2016 and signed cash disbursements totaling $3,814.57

The Selectboard reviewed and revised the Sealed Bid Purchase Offer for Real Estate regarding 119 Main Street.

The Selectboard signed a recommendation to the Division of Forest and Lands to have David ONeil appointed as the Forest Fire Warden.

The Selectboard discussed the revised draft Harrisville Purchasing Policy. Selectman Maneval will make further revisions and report back to the Board.

The Selectboard reviewed and signed the Public Service of NH Pole Attachment Application.
The Selectmen signed the Notice of Intent to Cut Wood or Timber for Eric Whittall of Mason Road (Map-30 Lot-8)

The Selectboard reported that the Highway Department will be moved into the new Town Garage by June 1st, 2016.

Department Items:

Ed Goodrich met with the Selectboard to discuss the boundaries of Chesham Fire Station and property. After looking into the Town Registry, Mr. Goodrich reported that the boundaries of the property are 135 feet wide and 125 feet deep, however, the deed says 135 feet both ways, but he believes that there was a typographical error that caused the 125 feet deep to be recorded as 135 feet, but it is probably 125 feet. The Board thanked Mr. Goodrich for his work and his report.

Assessing – The Selectboard signed the Application for Property Tax Credits/Exemptions for Lionel and Winifred Sundstrom.

Conservation Commission – Winston Sims met with the Selectboard to discuss the Harrisville Permitting Policy. He reported that there have been multiple permits distributed in the shoreland and wetlands without review of the Harrisville Conservation Commission. Mr. Sims asked what the policy regarding permit application notifications is. Selectman Maneval reported that the Board would like to schedule a Land Use Boards Heads meeting to discuss permitting policies and the notification process. The Selectboard ask Angela if she would be available to attend a Land Use Board Head meeting on either June 23rd, 2016 or June 30th, 2016 (preferably June 30th, 2016). Mr. Gline reiterated that the HCC would like to be included in the permitting process.

Fire Department – The Selectboard received the Forest Fire Report for the Stoddard Fire Department.

Selectman Maneval will speak with Fire Chief Wayne Derosia about his budget at the next Fire Department Meeting.

Tax Collector – The Selectboard reviewed the letter from Tax Collector Rennie Timm and stated that they are happy to be informed about the next step for the Tax Kiosk Program. The Selectboard would like to continue with this program.

Recycling Center – The Selectboard reviewed the Internet pricing and will move forward.

Other Business:

The Selectboard asked Road Agent Wes Tarr to investigate the ways that the Highway Department could eliminate the Graffiti on the Bridge located on Prospect Street.

The Selectboard reviewed the 2016 Pavement Pricing.

CASA – The Selectboard acknowledge receipt of a Thank You Letter

The Selectboard request that Angela confirm that Southwest Region Planning Commission will be arranging for the speed test wires for Hancock Road.

Upcoming Meetings:

May 30th Memorial Day (Office Closed)

July 1st – 3rd Old Home Day weekend!!

July 4th – Independence Day (Office Closed)

July 30th Pond Association at 10am

September 5th – Labor Day (Office Closed)