Meeting Location: Town Offices
Meeting Opened: 7:00 p.m. Meeting Adjourned: 8:30 p.m.
Jay Jacobs, Chair Present
Andrew Maneval Present
Jonathan Miner Absent
Documents signed and reviewed:
The Selectmen reviewed financials for the week ending April 23rd, 2016 and signed cash disbursements totaling $7,246.81.
Fire Mutual Aid Alarm System – The Selectboard filled out and signed items relevant to the Board, and left some items for Angela to fill out.
Primex P&L – The Selectboard signed the 2017 Property and Liability Rates Program Renewal
New Business:
Shane Long, Tammy Long, and Roger Long met with the Selectboard to discuss the transfer of Aldworth Manor Road to the Town. The Selectmen stated that due to the guidance they received from the public at Town Meeting, the Board is willing to take the road in its current decision.
Selectman Maneval reported that he spoke with Town Counsel Silas Little who stated that the acquisition of the road need not be performed pursuant to RSA 41:14-a; therefore, the Board is not required to hold public meetings, etc., regarding the acquisition of the road. The Selectboard advised Mr. Long to contact Mr. Little or another attorney regarding the transfer of the deed to the road property.
Mr. Long asked if it was clear that the boundary of the property would stop at the Blueberry Fields. Selectman Jacobs stated that the Longs should contact Road Agent Wes Tarr to clarify that this is the boundary line of the property, so that the deed can reflect this accurately.
Allan Saari met with the Selectboard to discuss multiple items. Mr. Saari stated that every idea he brings to the Board is “dead-on-arrival”. He stated that the Town of Dublin has an excellent archive for Town records and he brought photographs of these archives to the Town Offices, however, he did not receive a response. Mr. Saari stated that he had suggested a way for the Board to save $97,000, by utilizing the County Sherriff’s Office and altering the Recycling Center to management by a private company. Mr. Saari stated that the Town Purchasing Policy he suggested has received little action. Mr. Saari stated that he also was not mentioned in last week’s Selectboard Meeting Minutes regarding the recognition of World War II veterans at the 150th Anniversary; he stated that these individuals should be regarded as heroes who helped to build Harrisville.
In response, Selectman Maneval apologized that this last point was not included in the minutes from last week’s meeting, and noted that they will be in tonight’s meeting minutes. Selectman Maneval stated that the Town Purchasing Policy is being, or has been, reviewed by the other Land Use Boards, and will be considered further by the Selectboard. Although the Selectboard is the executive branch of the Town, they still need to receive input from the other Town boards and Department Heads, as they will be affected by this change. Selectman Maneval stated that the Selectboard is not finished with this process. Selectman Maneval stated that the Board is considering various filing systems that, among other things, utilize the electronic storage of information.
Department Items:
Assessing – The Selectboard signed an Intent to Cut Wood or Timber for Akhil Garland
Conservation Commission – The Selectboard received correspondence from Winston regarding Selectboard Meeting Minutes from April 7th, 2016, and will respond to him accordingly.
Selectman Maneval indicated that he would prepare a letter to the Conservation Commission and other interested parties noting that the Town has no present interest in purchasing properties or easements in respect to Mr. Cucchi’s property.
Planning Board – The Selectboard received a copy of the Meeting Minutes for April 13th, 2016.
Recycling Center –The Selectboard discussed Internet at the Recycling Center and concluded that, especially inasmuch as this is not a budgeted item, the Board would not proceed this year with this upgrade. If the Recycling Center manager would like to come in and discuss this with us, especially with respect to 2017, the Board would welcome her to do so.
Town Clerk – The Selectboard requests that Angela take a look at the February 4th, 2016 Selectboard Meeting Minutes to determine whether a motion was made and approved to go into executive session. If not, the Board requests that Angela inform the Town Clerk that no minutes to any such session exist.
Other Business:
The Selectboard acknowledge that the NH Dam Bureau plans on coming out May 6th to work on the Seaver Dam. They reported that it would take approximately six to eight weeks to finish the work. They will send the Town notification of completion so that the public will be aware.
The Selectboard stated that the Town needs to complete the application to Mutual Aid before the electrician from Wesfield Construction can come out for the security alarm.
The Selectboard ask Angela to request that Ed Goodrich come to the next scheduled Selectboard meeting that he is available to discuss Aldworth Manor Road, the status of Town roads, and the creation of a Town Road Map.
The Selectboard received a complaint of business activity at the Jeff Trudelle property on Tolman Pond Road. The Selectmen will follow up with a site view of the property and decide on a proper course of action.
The Selectboard do not plan on having a Department Head Meeting on May 16th, but they will schedule one within the next several months thereafter.
The Selectboard ask Angela to contact Pat Putnam to hear what progress or plans that the committee has, and ask when that committee might want to come in to speak further with the Selectboard.
Upcoming Meetings:
May 30th – Memorial Day (Office Closed)
July 1st 3rd – Old Home Day weekend!!
July 4th – Independence Day (Office Closed)
July 30th – Pond Association at 10 a
September 5th – Labor Day (Office Closed)