Meeting Location: Town Offices April 14, 2016
7:00 pm
Jay Jacobs, Chair present
Andrew Maneval present
Jonathan Miner present
Documents signed and reviewed:
Weekly Financials – Select Board signed checks totaling $76,384.03, including final payment to Wesfield Construction in the amount of $67,077.00.
Selectboard reviewed and signed the Meeting Minutes for April 7th and Meeting Minutes from the continuation for the Department head Meeting on April 11, 2016.
The Select Board signed the MDS – Revised Transfer Station Waste Disposal Agreement.
Called Eversource and asked them if the town would have to pay for a new light to be installed on Main Street, they said there would be no cost to the town for this to get fixed. The Select Board requests that Angela proceed with Eversource to get the new light installed.
Called Powers Generator to set up a time for our yearly cleanings for our buildings, they will be coming on Monday December 5, 2016 around 9:00am starting with the Fire Station; they should be prepared to do the work on the generator that will still be at the old Town Garage.
Revised Sealed Bid respecting 119 Main Street received from Attorney Silas Little. Selectman Maneval will revise this form to include reference to the $25,000 minimum bid.
The Select Board requests that Angela please provide notice that the Public Hearing respecting the Chesham Fire Garage will take place on May 5, 2016 at the outset of the Select Board meeting that night.
A letter needs to be drafted regarding Article #7 that passed on March 11, 2014 Town Meeting. Selectman Maneval will prepare a draft of this letter.
Department Items:
The Select Board signed the 2015 Abatement Application for Raymond & Joyce Jorgensen (Map-10 Lot-27-5). This was signed on the basis of the recommendation of the Tax Assessor, but the application was submitted too late to apply in respect of 2015.
Conservation Commission:
Harrisville Lake Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes for April 6, 2016
Email regarding John Cucchi’s presentation
Email from Winston regarding Map Pollution in Great Bay
Email from Winston inquiring about John maybe selling any of his three parcels.
Email from Winston the Old Home Day Craft Fair Registration Form
Questions for Implement for the 2016 Warrant
Volunteer Lake Assessment Program Individual Lake Report
NH Lake Advisory Committee
Proposed Agenda for April 26, 2016
Planning Board – Acknowledged receipt of draft Meeting Minutes for March 9, 2016/Agenda for April 13, 2016
Town Clerk – The Select Board signed the Oath of Office for Andrea Polizos to become a member on the Conservation Commission.
Tax Collector – Request for a check in the amount of $66,609.75 for Executed Tax Liens acknowledged. Angela will discuss with the Town auditors the procedures to be employed in dealing with this accounting matter.
Zoning Board – Public Meeting at 7:00pm on Wednesday April 20, 2016
Other Business:
NH DOT – Inspection of Red List Bridges
CASA – Tickets from CASA for the Bob Marley Show
Chem Serve – Laboratory results for the Harrisville Landfill
Eversource – Pole Attachment Guidelines
Common Threads for month April/May 2016
Southwestern Community Services – New Income Guideline’s
Mascoma Bank Invitation
The Select Board discussed the issue of Aldworth Manor Road, and the outcome of the Town Meeting vote on the related Article. Present for this discussion were Shane, Tammy, and Long. The question was whether the proper interpretation would be that the road would be accepted for reclassification as a town road on an “as is” basis, or that it only be accepted in an improved condition (or a condition to be improved per RSA 231:28-29). The Longs expressed the view that if it should be accepted in any condition other than “as is,” that would be very unfair and inappropriate, given that the proper time for raising such issues would have been at the Town Meeting. Selectman Maneval also referred to the issue of the proper process for acquiring title for property for the road.
The Select Board entertained the following motion;.”Moved and seconded that the Select Board accept the vote of the Town Meeting Article 4, to have the Town take over Aldworth Manor Road. Although the Board felt the residents along the road should have borne the costs of bringing the Road up to a condition acceptable to the Town, the vote by the Town Meeting created the reasonable interpretation and understanding that the Town would accept the Road ‘as is’.”
Upcoming Meetings:
May 30th – Memorial Day (Office Closed)
July 4th – Independence Day (Office Closed)
September 5th – Labor Day (Office Closed)